From this month we stopped competition in adding software records. Reason and
our next goal with linux software database are described in this article.
5.8.2005 13:00 | Ondřej Čečák | přečteno 33670×
The competition in adding software records was one of the main motives in building Linux software database. But with growing size of software directory it's quite difficult to have all links for download up-to-date.
When the directory was created we thought, that the users, who inserts the software, will keep the links actual, but it was good choice until some users inserted thousand links or more.
In last summer we tried to update links and we updated aprox. 3500 items, but we found another problem – before we reach the end of the directory, some of software have again dead links.
We of course tried to automatize this job by scripts and some were made, but we didn't find a functional and quick solution. Later we mirrored part of software links on server, which was offered for this purpose and have satisfactory bandwitch.
Unfortunately, this isn't good solution for new software versions, there are some projects, which release a few of new versions every month. So we added new item "URL of project downloads", which partially solved actuality of links.
But it's quite difficult for a few people to fix all items (now more than 10 000), so we asks for help with updating community and supporters of our portal.
We would like to thanks in advance all volunteers. team.
email: info_at_linuxsoft_dot_cz