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> BrightQ

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   Software > DRUKOWANIE/ demony

BrightQ provides users of the UNIX and Linux operating systems with printing solution that is as intuitive and advanced as those found in Windows and Macintosh environments. The BrightQ software suite is easy to install, use and maintain. In an environment where no standards have been established, BrightQ assures that all commonly used print spoolers, languages, protocols and file types are supported. BrightQ comes with Codehost's BrightInstall, a graphical installation wizard, making this package simple to use right out of the box. The BrightQ configuration tool allows users to easily add and configure printers and print queues, replacing the need for complex command line scripts. The Print Job Manager gives users access to a devices output features affording them the ability append a print job at the point of print.

Data dodania: 26.2.2004 15:05
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licencja: Prawnie zastrzeĹźona
Strona domowa:
Twórca: Codehost Inc.
Firma deweloperska: Codehost Inc.
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Ocena: jeszcze nie oceniono -  Pobierz

Dadane przez: Maroš Zaťko


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