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XOOPS is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP. XOOPS is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more.
The goals with XOOPS team is to create a Content Management System (CMS) for users and developers that installs out of the box offering unparalleled ease of use, support and management. The XOOPS CMS will be extendable by the use of modules installable through a unified admin interface. The ultimate goal of the XOOPS team is to take the best features of current CMS's and roll them into an Open Source CMS that's easy to use, extendable and unparalleled in the Free/Open Source Community.

Data dodania: 26.11.2004 11:32
GUI: yes
Terminal: yes
Licencja: GPL
Strona domowa:
Twórca: Xoops team
Firma deweloperska:
Oprogramowanie alternatywne w Windows:

Wymagania instalacyjne (oprogramowanie):

- A web (www) server (Apache, IIS, Roxen, etc)
- PHP 4.1.0 and higher (4.3.1 or higher for IIS)
- MySQL Database 3.23.XX or 4.X.XX

Note: one user has reported a problem with MySQL 3.23.49a-MAX. You will likely have difficulties with this version.

Note: if you have a large number of users (several hundred or more), people have reported problems with PHP 4.1.2 which go away when upgrading to a later version of PHP.

Note: not yet officially tested with PHP 5, but some users have already reported problems. More info when PHP5 is released.

Note: XOOPS works very well with PHP 4.3.4 and mySQL 4.0.15 Standard

More info at

Wymagania instalacyjne (sprzęt):

Ocena: 100% -  Pobierz

Typ pakietu Pobierz Rozmiar w kB
source[..]ops-2.0.6.tgz 1216
Dadane przez: Przemysław Szostak


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