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> Athene Desktop Edition

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   Software > MENEDŻERY OKIEN/

screenshot The Athene Desktop Edition is a freely distributed version of Athene, a commercial operating system. The Athene DE brings the desktop technology found in the commercial version of Athene to any Pentium based, 2.4.0+ Linux kernel. The use of independently developed VESA graphics drivers allows the Athene desktop to run independently of X11, so it can replace your X11 server entirely. The Athene desktop and its software applications have direct access to the graphics hardware, giving them a significant speed advantage over conventional X11 applications. Athene is backwards compatible with X11 applications so that you don't have to drop your existing software. Athene is based on an XML and an object oriented foundation, and builds the desktop at runtime from user-editable XML scripts. Three GUIs are included, including Windows and Amiga interfaces that are accurate clones of their counterparts. Athene features a highly responsive interface, high quality icons, translucency and alpha blending effects, unicode support, and Windows/Linux compatibility.

Data dodania: 28.7.2004 11:50
GUI: yes
Terminal: yes
Licencja: Freeware
Strona domowa:
Firma deweloperska: Rocklyte Systems
Oprogramowanie alternatywne w Windows:

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Ocena: jeszcze nie oceniono -  Pobierz

Typ pakietu Pobierz Rozmiar w kB
source[..]e-4.0.tar.bz2 11505
Dadane przez: Paul


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