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> bluelock

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   Software > MOBILNE/ bluetooth

Bluelock is a small bash-scipt. Bluelock is written to check if a bluetooth device (ie a mobile phone) of you is available, if it's not it will lock your computer. So the idea is that if you walk away from your computer and you forget often to lock it, this script will do. But on the other hand if you stay near your computer, it won't lock, because you are close to him.

Data dodania: 3.3.2005 15:29
GUI: no
Terminal: yes
Licencja: GPL
Strona domowa:
Twórca: Pieter de Rijk
Firma deweloperska:
Oprogramowanie alternatywne w Windows:

Wymagania instalacyjne (oprogramowanie):


Wymagania instalacyjne (sprzęt):

a bluetooth device on your computer
a bluetooth device ie a mobile phone

Ocena: jeszcze nie oceniono -  Pobierz

Typ pakietu Pobierz Rozmiar w kB
source[..]ck-0.1.tar.gz 8
Dadane przez: Pieter de Rijk


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