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> File Roller

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screenshot File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment.
Archive manager means that you can:
Create and modify archives.
View the content of an archive.
View a file contained in the archive.
Extract files from the archive.
File Roller is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are :
Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with
gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz)
bzip ( , .tbz)
bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2)
compress (.tar.Z , .taz)
lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo)
Zip archives (.zip)
Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war)
Lha archives (.lzh)
Rar archives (.rar)
Single files compressed with gzip, bzip, bzip2, compress, lzop

Data dodania: 15.6.2004 12:46
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Strona domowa:
Firma deweloperska:
Oprogramowanie alternatywne w Windows: Winzip, WinRar

Wymagania instalacyjne (oprogramowanie):

Gnome 2.x

Wymagania instalacyjne (sprzęt):

The same as recommended in your distribution to run in graphic mode.

Ocena: jeszcze nie oceniono -  Pobierz

Typ pakietu Pobierz Rozmiar w kB
source[..]-2.6.1.tar.gz 1100
Dadane przez: David Makovský


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