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PIERWSZA <<< POPRZEDNIA < Pozycje 10681 do 10695 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
Nazwa oprogramowania Strona domowa Pobierane
MlDonkey 0x
Originally, mlDonkey was a Linux client for the eDonkey network. Now it also supports gnutella, Direct-Connect, Soulseek, openNapster, and others. It runs as a daemon, in the background, that can run, downloading and sharing files, 24 hours a day. You can interact with your mldonkey daemon, either locally or remotely, by a telnet interface, a WEB interface or a GTK GUI. mlDonkey is written in Objective Caml, but binaries are also available for download.
Rio 500 0x
This set of utilities lets you upload songs and manage folders for Diamonds Rio 500 player under Linux and *BSD. The utilities have worked for Linux under i386, PPC and Alpha architectures. Using a driver for *BSD it works for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD
Paypal Shopping Cart 0x
A shopping cart that accepts PayPal payments.
viPlugin[..]gin/index.php 0x
viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, etc.).
pixel32 0x
multiplatform design with own skinnable GUI, which allows us running Pixel32 in Windows, BeOS and even in DOS most of routines written in highly optimized 32-bit assembler decreasing program's size and increasing its speed plugin architecture allows adding new effects, import/export plugins but also new dynamic brushes (called BrushFX), layer types etc. supporting all popular file formats support for layers, channels, masks, selections support for animations, image clickmaps, slices, web optimizations and other webtools simplyfing your work variety of brushes, including animated and full color brushes variety of patterns allowing pattern-painting, texturizing and more variety of color/alpha gradients with universal usage templates, styles, layouts...
Xindice 0x
Apache Xindice jest bazą danych napisaną od podstaw w celu magazynowania danych w formacie XML - co jest bardziej znane jako natywna baza danych XML.
MpegTV SDK 0x
MpegTV SDK to Software Development Kit który umożliwia aplikacjom X11 odtwarzanie strumieni MPEG czasu rzeczywistego (Video+Audio) z dowolnego źródła (URL, plik, potok itp.).
TrueCrypt 0x
Disk partition crypting, USB disks etc.
KLearnNotes2 0x
KLearnNotes2 helps learning music note names. It features a quick learning algorithm (focusing training on what one knows worst), flexible exercise choices, a set of 40 preset exercises focused on gradual learning of successive notes, bass and treble clefs, a flexible speed goal choice and a set of preset speed-goal levels (to encourage training for fast, automatic note reading), and sound.
Coral Database Project 0x
Coral is objective of the CORAL project is to develop a robust and efficient deductive database system, and to investigate its use in various application domains.
BarbWire 0x
Easily build your own firewall off an old pentium box and Red Hat Linux 7.3. User friendly enterface and very little Tcp/Ip knowledge needed. It can add/delete any number of rules to filter unwanted stuff, nat your internal IPs, reverse nat if you have servers in your lan and many more.
MHonArc 0x
MHonArc to napisany w Perlu program do konwersji wiadomości mailowych i newsowych na archiwa HTML.
Andromeda Online 0x
Andromeda Online jest grą stategiczną wojenną rozgrywająą się miedzy statkami kosmicznymi. Gracz konstruuje swoja flotylle i rusza do walki. Twoja flota wkrótce może posiadać 500 skautów, myśliwce, krążowniki staki wojenne, wiel stacji w kosmosie. Wraz ze swoją flotą przemierzasz kosmos w poszukiwaniu wrogich statków.
BitKeeper 0x
Something like CVS but comercial and (maybe) better. It is used by Linux kernel developer.
Burn-In 0x
It generates an animation from a text layer. The effect looks like a laser, burning the text into the background. The animation can be saved as animated GIF afterwards. It is intended to be used on websites.
PIERWSZA <<< POPRZEDNIA < Pozycje 10681 do 10695 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4791x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8985x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8488x
4. alcolix
Download: 10810x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9569x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 6145x

1. xinetd
Download: 2332x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4551x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9806x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 3116x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 7004x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2701x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3486x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 3006x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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