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PIERWSZA <<< POPRZEDNIA < Pozycje 10786 do 10800 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
Nazwa oprogramowania Strona domowa Pobierane
MpegTV SDK 0x
MpegTV SDK to Software Development Kit który umożliwia aplikacjom X11 odtwarzanie strumieni MPEG czasu rzeczywistego (Video+Audio) z dowolnego źródła (URL, plik, potok itp.).
FotoStar Offline Client[..]t-zdarma.html 0x
Planet Finder[..]2planet.shtml 0x
Planet Finder is an applet that shows a map of the whole sky, indicating the positions of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. You can choose any date and time, and any location on the earth from which to view the sky.
The Flash Web server[..]~vivek/flash/ 0x
The Flash Web server is a high-performance Web server developed using a novel concurrency architecture. It combines the high performance of single-process event-driven servers on cached workloads with the performance of multi-process and multi-threaded servers on disk-bound workloads.
BrowserCRM 0x
A browser-based CRM, email, and groupware suite for Linux.
Enkarta 0x
Artstream[..]am-linux.html 0x
Artstream is an interactive graphic design program that allows the design of vector graphics with numerous pen, brush, and shading tools, and the layout of multi-page documents with precise typography and photo effects. Artstream imports many raster, vector, and 3D file formats, and supports the addition of vector and raster plugins. Artstream is a comprehensive design program that enables complete image, document, brochure, and magazine production on Linux.
Ion 0x
Ion is a tiling tabbed window manager designed with keyboard users in mind. Ion was written as an experiment on a different kind of window management model. It tries to address the navigation problem by dividing the screen into mutually non-overlapping frames that take up the whole screen. Big displays have so much space that this should be convenient and smaller displays couldn't show more than one window at a time anyway. The frame layout is, of course, dynamic and different on each workspace. Given the organised tree based instead of an unorganised coordinate-based frame layout, moving between the frames can be conveniently done from the keyboard. As in PWM, the frames may have multiple clients attached, each indicated with a tab.
FlightGear 0x
The FlightGear flight simulator project is an open-source, multi-platform, cooperative flight simulator development project. Source code for the entire project is available and licensed under the GNU General Public License. The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, for the development and pursuit of other interesting flight simulation ideas, and as an end-user application. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing.
RadeonTool[..]tware/radeon/ 0x
RadeonTool pozwala na edycję ustawień kart graficznych ATI.
@Mail-PGP[..]tml?p=pgp&b=9 0x
@Mail-PGP provides an easy to use WebMail interface to encrypt email communication.
ClamShell[..]chwalbrichard 0x
ClamShell is a user friendly, easy to use graphical front end for the clamscan virus scanning engine. The software is easily customizable to fit a user's system setup. Configure the software to use clamscan wherever it resides on your system. Tell ClamShell where you want to save your scan and virus activity logs. Determine where to keep infected files. And, easily update your virus definitions. All without using the command line.
Bombič 0x
yEd[..]yed_about.htm 0x
yEd is a powerful graph editor that is written entirely in the Java programming language. It can be used to quickly generate drawings and apply automatic layouts to all kinds of diagrams and networks.
Learning Management System 0x
Manage your online learning with a learning management system. Setup your classes and create assignments right online. Send messages to students from within the system for tracking. A very simple system to get move your academic classes onto the web to reach a bigger audience with a cheaper cost. Learning management system is 100% free, based on PHP and MySQL.
PIERWSZA <<< POPRZEDNIA < Pozycje 10786 do 10800 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4698x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8874x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8378x
4. alcolix
Download: 10644x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9444x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 5935x

1. xinetd
Download: 2226x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4317x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9581x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 3019x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 6833x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2592x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3387x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 2859x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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