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dclock[..]tim/programs/ 1181x
dclock to zegar X11 z realistycznym wyświetlaczem w stylu LED, pokazującym aktualny czas.
pop3eye[..]/popeye.shtml 1181x
Pop3eye is a pop3 (also apop and mbox) email notifier dockapp. What? Another one? Well, yeah, but others just didn't do what I wanted. Pop3eye can notify you of email from specific people or with certain subjects. These are filtered using regular expressions. It will also display 7 partial lines of the email body in a tooltip window. It can monitor up to 5 accounts and display 1, 2 or 3 accounts at a time. All features can be modified in the .pop3eyerc file.
wmthrottle[..]le.php/id/170 1180x
An app for throttling CPU via ACPI.
Phone Box Log Analyzer 1180x
Phone Box Log Analyzer pozwala na przechwytywanie i przeglądanie logów z PBXa.
resample[..]mple/README 1180x
Resample is a small command-line application for converting sample rates and playing back audio data.
WMTimer 1180x
Wmtimer is a dockable alarm clock for WindowMaker which can be run in alarm, countdown timer, or chronograph mode. In alarm or timer mode, you can either execute a command or sound the system bell when the time is reached. Wmtimer is configurable through the command line or the GTK GUI.
Pyro, Python Robotics 1180x
Pyro, Python Robotics to narzędzie do programowania prawdziwych i symulowanych robotów.
Oolaboola[..]st/oolaboola/ 1180x
Oolaboola is an opensource system for mixing sound files in real-time
Genoa Active Message MAchine[..]ma/index.html 1180x
Genoa Active Message MAchine to wrapper sterownika jądra Linux o małej latencji i wysokiej wydajności. Korzysta z Active Ports (wersja Active Messages). Działa równolegle do stosu IP i jest przeznaczony tylko dla sieci LAN.
playlist[..]playlist.html 1180x
Playlist to skrypt Perla, który tworzy zgodne z XMMS playlisty i pliki HTML dla dowolnego formatu plików (Ogg, MP3, MPG, itp.).
vobstripper[..]/vobstripper/ 1180x
vobstripper kopiuje plik .VOB zawierający wideo DVD ze stdin na stdout, usuwając napisy i wszystko, poza kanałem audio AC3.
WMZCalock[..]mzcalock.html 1180x
WMZCalock is a dockapp calendar clock for use with Window Maker and other X window managers. It features a number of different time modes and the ability to change its colors and fonts.
smixer[..]grams/smixer/ 1180x
smixer to aplikacja linii poleceń i skryptowalny program do ustawiania i wyświetlania głośności karty dźwiękowej pod Linuksem.
wmisdn[..]html#programs 1180x
wmisdn is a Window Maker dock applet that monitors a specified ISDN-PPP device (ippp) and gives a brief information about the connection status. It also lets the user start, stop or disable the connection. wmisdn can dock on WindowMaker's dock, Afterstep's Wharf or run as a standalone application.
Xpand[..]vedra/xpand/ 1179x
Xpand is a simple Python script with Glade GUI front-end for sox, cdparanoia, notlame, mpg123, and normalize.
PIERWSZA <<< POPRZEDNIA < Pozycje 9751 do 9765 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4806x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8997x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8496x
4. alcolix
Download: 10829x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9576x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 6162x

1. xinetd
Download: 2339x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4564x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9819x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 3121x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 7020x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2707x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3492x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 3012x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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