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Nazwa oprogramowania Strona domowa Pobierane
Geotrace 15492x
Geotrace is a geographical traceroute utility. Geotrace provide graphical view on the map. It includes many geographical maps.
Midgard 15427x
Midgard is a freely-available solution for managing content on Web, Extranet, and Intranet services. It is also a toolkit for building dynamic applications to power eBusiness and Information Management processes. Writing applications and functionalities for the platform is done using the easy-to-learn PHP scripting language. All interfacing with the system is done via a regular Web browser, and no special tools are needed for developers or content authors.
Access Point Utilities for Unix 15328x
Access Point Utilities for Unix is a set of utilities that configure and monitor a Wireless Access Point under Unix.
xSMBrowser 15308x
Graficzna nakładka na Sambę, dzięki której możemy przeszukiwać otoczenie sieciowe w Linuksie, podobnie jak ma to miejsce w systemie Windows.
abook 11870x
Address book cooperating with Mutt.
Calamaris[..]id/calamaris/ 11780x
parses logfiles from Squid, NetCache, Inktomi Traffic Server, Oops! proxy server, Novell Internet Caching System, Compaq Tasksmart or Netscape/iplanet Web Proxy Server and generates a report. Written in perl5.
mplayerplug-in 10268x
mplayerplug-in is a plugin for Mozilla to play videos embedded in a Web page. It uses Mplayer to process the video.
Drivel 10131x
Drivel jest zaawansowanym klientem LiveJournal dla desktopu GNOME. Podczas gdy zawiera szeroki zestaw możliwości został zaprojektowany aby przede wszystkim zapewnić wysoką użyteczność i elegancki interfejs użytkownika.
gnome-blosxom 9363x
Gnome Blosxom jest GUI umożliwiającym wysyłanie wpisów do bloga opartego na engine Blosxom.
OTRS 9156x
OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System (also well known as trouble ticket system) with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails.
NAT Check 8920x
Check Your Network Address Translator for Compatibility with Peer-to-Peer Protocols
gURLChecker[..]/gurlchecker/ 8540x
gURLChecker is a GNOME2/C tool that check links on a single web page or on a whole web site in order to determine status of each page.
LinkChecker 8066x
With LinkChecker, you can check HTML documents for broken links. It features recursion, robots.txt exclusion protocol support, HTTP proxy support, i18n support, multithreading, regular expression filtering rules for links, and user/password checking for authorized pages. Output can be colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, or a sitemap graph in GML or XML format. Supported link types are HTTP/1.1 and 1.0, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Gopher, Telnet, and local files.
Plone 6750x
Plone is a free Content Management System that is easy to maintain.
Getmail[..]/getmail-3.0/ 6373x
A POP3 mail retriever with reliable Maildir and command delivery
Pozycje 1 do 15 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4606x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8755x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8307x
4. alcolix
Download: 10574x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9359x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 5818x

1. xinetd
Download: 2162x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4170x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9450x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 2947x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 6752x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2510x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3311x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 2768x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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