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CloneIt[..]/CloneIt.html 34756x
The CloneIt system was created to copy and essentially clone harddisks of identical PCs through a network.
Ghost for Linux 19002x
Ghost for Linux to program do tworzenia obrazów/klonowania partycji linuxowych. Opcjonalnie można je również skompresować albo skopiować via FTP.
Partition Image for Linux 16464x
Partition Image is a Linux/UNIX utility which saves partitions in many formats (see below) to an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied on removable floppies (ZIP for example), ... Partitions can be saved across the network since version 0.6.0. Partition Image will only copy data from the used portions of the partition. For speed and efficiency, free blocks are not written to the image file. This is unlike the 'dd' command, which also copies empty blocks. Partition Image also works for large, very full partitions. For example, a full 1 GB partition can be compressed with gzip down to 400MB. This is very useful to save partitions to an image in some cases: First you can restore your linux partition if there is a problem (virus, file system errors, manipulation error) . When you have a problem, you just have to restore the partition, and after 10 minutes, you have the original partition. You can write the image to a CD-R if you don't want the image to use hard-disk space. This utility can be used to install many identical PCs. For example, if you buy 50 PCs, with the same hardware, and you want to install the same linux systems on all 50 PCs, you will save a lot of time. Indeed, you just have to install on the first PC and create an image from it. For the 49 others, you can use the image file and Partition Image's restore function.
iBackup 13565x
iBackup is a tool to simplify backing up the system configuration files (/etc). You can run the program from any directory, it will by default save the (maybe compressed) tarball to /root.
rdiff-backup 12389x
rdiff-backup tworzy kopię zapasową jednego katalogu w innym, także przez sieć. Katalog docelowy zawiera nie tylko kopię katalogu źródłowego ale także dodatkowe odwrotne pliki różnicowe w specjalnym podkatalogu. Dzięki temu można wciąż odzyskiwać pliki utracone jakiś czas wcześniej. Pomysł polega na połączeniu najlepszych możliwości kopii w formie mirroru oraz kopii różnicowej. Rdiff-backup potrafi także przechowywać podkatalogi, twarde dowiązania, pliki urządzeń, uprawnienia, uid/gid właścicieli i czasy modyfikacji.
flexbackup[..]s/flexbackup/ 12123x
A flexible backup script that uses dump, afio, tar, or cpio, features full (0) and 1-9 levels of incremental backup (ala "dump").
bakonf 11309x
Bakonf creates a backup of all your configuration files, plus some extra informations about the system it runs on, to create a rescue archive. This archive can be used to recreate the system, in case of emergencies.
REOBack[..]ects/reoback/ 10427x
REOBack a simple backup solution designed for Linux Users AND System Administrators. It is designed to be simple to set-up and and easy to use.
Mondo Rescue 9065x
Program do archiwizacji systemu. Przygotowuje bootowalne płyty CD-ROM, dzięki którym po awarii systemu możesz odtworzyć pliki, nad którymi pracowałeś, a nawet cały system.
backup2l 8917x
backup2l is a lightweight command line tool for generating, maintaining and restoring backups on a mountable file system (e. g. hard disk). The main design goals are are low maintenance effort, efficiency, transparency and robustness. In a default installation, backups are created autonomously by a cron script. backup2l supports hierarchical differential backups with a user-specified number of levels and backups per level. With this scheme, the total number of archives that have to be stored only increases logarithmically with the number of differential backups since the last full backup. Hence, small incremental backups can be generated at short intervals while time- and space-consuming full backups are only sparsely needed.
mkCDrec 8712x
mkCDrec makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image (CDrec.iso), including backups of the linux system to the same CD-ROM (or CD-RW) if space permits, or to a multi-volume CD-ROM set. Otherwise, the backups can be stored on another local disk, NFS disk or (remote) tape.
KDat 8672x
KDat jest narzędziem do archiwizacji dla napędów taśmowych. Stworzony do pracy z wieloma archiwami na pojedynczej taśmie.
dds2tar[..]/dds2tar.html 8098x
dds2tar can find any file within an archive on a DAT tape and start the extraction within 40 seconds on HP-DAT tape drives and other devices
rsnapshot 7263x
rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility. It can take incremental snapshots of local and remote filesystems for any number of machines. rsnapshot makes extensive use of hard links, so disk space is only used when absolutely necessary.
Xfiles[..]a/xfiles.html 7136x
Xfiles is an interactive utility for comparing and merging one file tree with another over a network. Xfiles can also be used as a cross-validating disk<->disk backup strategy.
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> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4788x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8979x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8483x
4. alcolix
Download: 10792x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9564x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 6133x

1. xinetd
Download: 2324x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4537x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9786x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 3108x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 6988x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2695x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3479x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 2991x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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