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Free Pascal Compiler 26374x
Free Pascal Compiler is multiplatform compiler of Object Pascal language. Free Pascal Compiler aims at compatibility with variant of Object Pascal used in products of Borland corp. Instalation package contains large set of components which replaces most of non-visual komponents from Delphi. There is also some wrapper libraries for widely used C libraries (gd, mysql, sockets, X11)
Setedit 24477x
Setedit is a text editor specially designed for programmers.
Xalan-J[..]-j/index.html 22490x
Procesor XSLT napisany w Javie. Xalan jest procesorem XSLT dla transformowania dokumentów XML w HTML, tekst lub inne dokumenty. Implementuje rekomendacje W3C dla transformacji XSLT oraz specyfikację języka XPath. Może być stosowany z linii poleceń, w applecie, servlecie albo jako moduł w innym programie.
wxHatch 22063x
wxHatch to IDE dla Linuksa, Solarisa i Windows, zbudowane z użyciem wxWindows i dla jego użytkowników. Generuje Makefile, posiada edytor z podświetlaniem składni, edytuje menu, dodaje dialogi wxWindows i wycinki kodu oraz posiada autotext.
Anjuta 21904x
Anjuta is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ on GNU/Linux. It has been written for GTK/GNOME and features a number of advanced programming facilities. These include project management, application wizards, an on-board interactive debugger, and a powerful source editor with source browsing and syntax highlighting.
WML - Website META Language 20472x
WML is a free HTML generation toolkit for Unix, internally consisting of 9 independent languages. The main idea of WML is a sequential filtering scheme where each language provides one of 9 processing passes. So WML reads an input file, applies passes 1-9 (or optionally only the passes specified) and finally produces one or more output files. This program is for you when... - you are a real Webdesigner. - you really create Webareas and not just single Webpages. - your primary HTML creation platform is Unix. - you love the idea of HTML generation. - you hate the HTML code of WYSIWYG editors. - you want to use favorite programming features. This program is NOT for you when... - you are just a WWW user. - you only create a few web pages in your lifetime. - your primary HTML creation platform is Windows or Macintosh. - you don't know about and hate generation tools. - you don't have any problems with WYSIWYG editors. - you hate programming languages.
GtkEditor 18145x
a source code editor widget for GTK+. It is currently used, in one version or another, in several GTK+/GNOME applications, including gIDE, VDKBuilder, GXEdit, and Bluefish
Glimmer 17829x
Glimmer is a code editor that can be used with almost any language. At the current time, Glimmer has syntax highlighting support for the following languages: Ada, Bash/Sh, C/C++, DTML, HTML, Java, Latex, GNU Make, Object Caml, Perl, PHP, PO (Language Translation), Python, Lisp (guile, scheme, etc), SGML, SQL, Tcl/Tk, WML, XML, and Z80 Assembly
Titano 17324x
Titano to IDE dla GNOME. Możliwości: * Obsługa zarządzania projektem z automake/autoconf. * Obsługa różnych języków. * Komponenty edytora Bonobo. * Zintegrowany debugger. * Narzędzia do eksploracji kodu.
Devhelp[..]ects/devhelp/ 16933x
Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GNOME 2. It works natively with gtk-doc (the API reference framework developed for GTK+ and used throughout GNOME for documentating API:s).
Checkstyle 16728x
Checkstyle jest narzędziem developerskim, które pomaga pisać kod Javy który zgodny jest z pewnymi regułami. Automatyzuje procedurę sprawdzania kodu wyręczając ludzi w tym nudnym zajęciu. Checkstyle jest w pełni konfigurowalne i pozwala to dostosować checkstyle do sprawdzania zgodności z niemal dowlolnymi stylami kodowania. Dobry przykład tego co potrafi Checkstyle można znaleźć tutaj:
Symphony Developer Edition 16479x
Platform Symphony is the fastest High Performance Computing (HPC) service-oriented middleware solution that enables developers to quickly achieve application performance objectives through a single, high-level programming paradigm for multi-core and multi-node environments. Now available as a free download with no node count restrictions and no time limits, Platform Symphony Developer Edition (DE) provides developers with powerful HPC tools to build and deploy service-oriented applications that can be used without restriction in commercial environments. With comprehensive and easy to follow coding examples, and access to a fully staffed support forum ( ), developers can create high-performance application services or grid-enable existing applications in the language of their choice in record time.
GINF[..]projects/ginf 13623x
GINF is a Web-site creation software for the Linux platform, in the lines of Netscape Composer and Microsoft FrontPage. You don't need to know any HTML to create Web pages with GINF; instead you can just type in the text and format it with the buttons and menus. GINF uses the GTK+ widget set for the front-end, and the GtkHTML library for HTML rendering.
Offline Validator[..]ator/offline/ 13500x
The Offline Validator is an offline version of the WDG HTML Validator. It checks the syntax of HTML and XHTML documents using an SGML/XML parser.
Bluefish 13369x
Bluefish has many features, this list will give you an overview of the most important or outstanding features.
Pozycje 1 do 15 > NASTEPNA >>> OSTATNIA
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 4607x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 8757x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8309x
4. alcolix
Download: 10578x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9362x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 5819x

1. xinetd
Download: 2163x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 4173x
4. LinPacker
Download: 9452x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 2949x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 6752x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2511x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3311x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 2769x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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