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DataWorkshop | |
1488x |
DataWorkshop is an editor to view and modify binary data. The editor provides different views which can be used to edit, analyze and export the binary data.
A simple hex view can be used to simulate a standard hexeditor but more complex dynamic views are possible to comfortable edit binary structure like executables or captured network traffic.
The editor provides powerful search and diff functionality and user defined transformations to modify the binary data.
Views can be filtered using the XPath query language (e.g. selecting several IP packets in a network traffic capture file)
Views can be exported as in various formats for further processing. This can be used to convert old binary formats into modern xml tagged data.
zkfingerd | |
1487x |
zkfingerd is a replacement for standard finger
iTMS-4-ALL |[..]rer/itms4all/ |
1486x |
iTMS-4-ALL to napisany w Perlu skrypt CGI, który pozwala na przeszukiwanie sklepu muzycznego Apple iTunes z poziomu dowolnej przeglądarki WWW.
iaxcomm |[..]mm/index.html |
1485x |
IaxComm to otwarty telefon (VOIP) oparty o protokół iax. Może być używany jako Tlenofon dla użytkowników Linuksa. Jak to zrobić wyjaśnione jest tutaj:
i tutaj:
The Tamber Project |[..]anch/numenor/ |
1484x |
The Tamber project is a free, componentised n-tier website engine that uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript.
X Net Strength |[..]xnetstrength/ |
1483x |
X Net Strength is a small utility for monitoring the wireless signal strength of 802.11b cards under Linux. It is written in C and only requires xlib.
Poster blog | |
1481x |
Poster is a fully featured blog application. It works on plain text files and doesn't require a database.
XMail | |
1481x |
XMail is an Internet and intranet mail server featuring an SMTP server, POP3 server, finger server, multiple domains support, mail-only accounts, ...
Conges | |
1478x |
Conges is a Web application for vacation management. It allows employees to set vacation periods.
bk_edit |[..]asnt/bk_edit/ |
1477x |
bk_edit is an easy to use bookmark manager and editor. The program can read, write, edit, create, manage, and convert the bookmarks of the most popular browsers. There is also a simple drag and drop interface for adding new bookmarks from a running browser in a very comfortable way. There are plugins for Mozilla, Opera, Galeon, XBEL, Netscape, and Links 2.
slash | |
1465x |
Slash to oparty o bazę danych system dla portali, który korzysta z Apache/mod_perl i MySQL.
astfax |[..]jects/astfax/ |
1460x |
astfax allows you to create an email to fax gateway. It processes incoming email messages with attached fax images and sends them out via the txfax module. Asterisk's outgoing call queue is used to initiate the fax call and transfer. The call file generated for the outgoing call queue is in template form, and can easily be updated for any system's configuration. It can be used (for example) with qmail, asterisk, spandsp, and eps to create an email/fax gateway.
b^2 | |
1458x |
A PHP bulletin board that uses MySQL.
Python Web Objects | |
1456x |
Python Web Objects to dynamiczny system generowania stron, który pozwala developerom na umieszczanie kodu Pythona wewnątrz HTML.
Centre | |
1455x |
Centre is free student information system for public and non-public schools