"lookat" (or "bekijk" in Dutch) is a program to view text files and manual pages. It is designed to be more user-friendly than more conventional text viewers such as less.
Ten program został napisany, aby pomóc w testowaniu Open Projects dancer-ircd. Symuluje aktywność klientów poprzez wybieranie losowych serwerów do połączenia i wykonywaniu losowych akcji z listy.
Fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities. But fcron does not assume that your system is running neither all the time nor regularly : you can, for instance, tell fcron to execute tasks every x hours y minutes of system up time or to do a job only once in a specified interval of time.
Term Record is a set of tools for the recording and playback of data streams in real-time. It is useful for recording demonstrations of text-based programs.
a package of software tools that reads (and writes) data from a Lacrosse WS2300/WS2305/WS2310/WS2315 Weather Station. It includes a function library for your own programs and a number of small programs for PHP webpage, Weather Underground and Citizen Weather. Most of Open2300 is written in standard C
Allen Bradley PCMK Driver to moduł PCMCIA i dedykowane narzędzie działające w trybie użytkownika, używające karty Allen Bradley PCMK do porozumiewania się z innymi urządzeniami poprzez magistralę Data Highway Plus.