Nazwa oprogramowania |
Strona domowa |
Pobierane |
AClock | |
1242x |
This little application displays the time of the day (analog).
wmtz |[..]mtz/wmtz.html |
1242x |
wmtz displays the time in different time zones as defined in it's configuration file. It can also display the current Julian Day Number, sidereal time and swatch beats.
cdmon | |
1242x |
Cdmon is a daemon that monitors plugs of CD medias. When a CD is detected, devmon mounts it and start a dockapp that allows to launch your favorite filemanager (left click) or unmount the device (right click).
Ticker |[..]p/index.shtml |
1242x | is a ticker dockapp based on wmticker written by Jiro SEKIBA. It reads a file that is specified by the command line, and displays each line in a viewing area periodically. When the file has been modified, it was reread automatically. If you run in a tail-mode, ticks only the last line. Another area to display is a popup window that may be opened by clicking the up arrow button. You can skip to next line by clicking the right allow button, and controll the viewing area by dragging the horizontal scrollbar or the mouse wheel.
NetLeds applet | |
1242x |
NetLeds to applet gnome, który wyświetla mrugające LEDy, które reprezentują obciążenie sieci. Może wyświetlać RX, TX, COL oraz ERR.
GKrellMSS |[..]krellmss.html |
1241x |
GKrellMSS (GKrellM Sound Scope) to plugin dla GKrellM, który posiada VU meter i oscyloskop audio.
wmapm |[..]ockApps.shtml |
1240x |
Battery/Power status monitor for laptops.
wmmp3 |[..]ftware/wmmp3/ |
1240x |
mp3 player dock app for windowmaker; frontend to mpg123
wmjsql | |
1240x |
Dock app to monitor the activity on a MySQL server.
miniChess | |
1239x |
Play chess on your dock.
uptime_applet | |
1239x |
uptime_applet to applet Gnome, który wyświetla uptime twojego systemu.
WMMon+SMP |[..]inux/timecop/ |
1239x |
WMMon+SMP w czasie rzeczywistym wyświetla zużycie CPU na maszynach SMP. Obsługiwane są tylko systemy dwuprocesorowe.
gLaptop |[..]ottf/glaptop/ |
1239x |
gLaptop to applet GNOME oferujący funkcje laptopowe. Oferuje łatwy dostęp do funkcji suspend, standby, poziomu naładowania baterii, przełączania kart pcmcia (pc-card) oraz typowych przycisków "script on/off".
Proxy-applet |[..]#proxy-applet |
1239x |
Proxy-applet to applet panelu GNOME do zmieniania twojej konfiguracji serwera proxy jednym kliknięciem, w stylu Galeona 1.x.
wmSun |[..]ockApps.shtml |
1238x |
Rise/Set time of Sun.