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Gmerlin[..]jects/gmerlin 3553x
Gmerlin is an audio/video player for Linux with dynamically loadable plugins and a playlist. It plays many media formats like MPEG-1/2, wav, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and avi. In addition, it can read Audio CDs, VCDs and MP3 streams from http servers. There are also output plugins for writing media files (avi, MPEG, MP3, wav, quicktime, Ogg Vorbis, etc.), which make gmerlin a universal player and format converter.
xmmsctrl[..]adavid/utils/ 3537x
xmmsctrl is a small xmms control program, meant to bind keys in a window manager to control xmms in an efficient way.
juice 3534x
Joice to frontend dla mpg123 i innych odtwarzaczy oferujący fajny okienkowy edytor playlisty.
DVDRipper[..]vdripper.html 3525x
DVDRipper is a basic GUI written for Mencoder. It will rip any DVD to DVD, DivX, SVCD, KVCD, or VCD.
musicTree[..]group_id=5696 3511x
musicTree is a java application that allows you to view and play your MP3 files from a tree which sorts albums by artist. It allows you to easily navigate your music collection and play albums at random, to play all the songs by a specific artist etc.
Ive 3502x
LVE frame and GOP accurate editing of MPEG1/2 video files. differnt mpeg Formats are supported: o program streams ("PS") including DVD conform vob format, o single elemtary video streams ("ES"). o multiplexed, packed elementary A/V streams ("PES"), often used by DVB recording software. o transport streams ("TS") - one video pid, but multiple audio pids. it's a further DVB format (restriction: no error detection/correction, program tables won't be analyzed). o PVA streams (experimental), used by some DVB recording M$-soft.
gWineCD[..]ojects/winecd 3499x
gWineCD is an application that sits on system notification area (System Tray) which can help to eject and close cdrom/dvdrom tray programmatically.
System G Desktop 3495x
Dealing with the UNIX command line, especially in order to manipulate the file system, is one of the biggest hurdles to widespread use of UNIX and Linux. System G was written to provide a simple way to access to the file system in the form of a graphical hierarchy of files and folders. It works with any window manager.
cdparanoia 3491x
cdparanoia reads audio from the CDROM directly as data, with no analog step between, and writes the data to a file or pipe in WAV, AIFC or raw 16 bit linear PCM. Cdparanoia will read correct, rock-solid audio data from inexpensive drives prone to misalignment, frame jitter and loss of streaming during atomic reads. cdparanoia will also read and repair data from CDs that have been damaged in some way.
libbgrab & webcam[..]are/libbgrab/ 3442x
libbgrab to biblioteka do przechwytywania obrazu z urządzeń video4linux takich jak kamery internetowe i framegrabbery. Aby zapewnić ciągły strumień i uniknąć utraty klatek używa potrójnego buforowania poprzez lokalne kopiowanie bufora w oddzielnym wątku. Pakiet zawiera wiele programów użytkowych i demonstracyjnych do wyświetlania obrazu na żywo w X, konwertowania wideo na ASCII, płynnego powiększania (z użyciem Glide), obróbki obrazu (z użyciem MMX) i postawienia samodzielnego serwera kamery internetowej.
Sound Monitor 3410x
Sound Monitor to aplet dla panelu GNOME, który wyświetla vu meter, oscyloskop lub analizator spektrum z wyjścia demona esound.
KMPlayer[..]kmplayer.html 3395x
Video player plugin for Konqueror using MPlayer or Xine. Also a basic video player application.
Rip 3381x
Perl script allowing grabing of music CD in console mode. Ripping to mp3 or Ogg format.
LongPlayer 3381x
MP3 player for listening to large collections or long periods of time.LongPlayer extends the functionality of a traditional MP3 player and is meant for people who listen to a large MP3 or Ogg Vorbis collection all day. longPlayer is a program that automatically fills your WinAmp, XMMS or iTunes playlist.
QuickRip 3376x
QuickRip is a basic DVD ripper for GNU/Linux written in Python and PyQt. Whilst it lacks options to fine-tune how you want to rip your DVD, it makes ripping quick and easy, and so is ideal for those who aren't bothered about framerates, clipping, and other (in my experience) unecessary options.
> Szukanie oprogramowania
1. Pacman linux
Download: 5004x
2. FreeBSD
Download: 9214x
3. PCLinuxOS-2010
Download: 8700x
4. alcolix
Download: 11096x
5. Onebase Linux
Download: 9809x
6. Novell Linux Desktop
Download: 0x
7. KateOS
Download: 6372x

1. xinetd
Download: 2535x
Download: 937x
3. spkg
Download: 5040x
4. LinPacker
Download: 10209x
5. VFU File Manager
Download: 3311x
6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
Download: 7340x
7. MISU pyFotoResize
Download: 2973x
8. Lefthand CRM
Download: 3673x
9. MetadataExtractor
Download: 0x
10. RCP100
Download: 3270x
11. Predaj softveru
Download: 0x
12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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