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QtVu | |
3360x |
QtVu, pronounced CuteView, is an image viewer for the X Window System heavily inspired by ACDSee.
| |[..]p?language=en |
3330x | (Buttons for Website) to plugin Gimp-perl, który tworzy zestaw przycisków dla serwisu WWW. Pobiera etykiety przycisków z pliku tekstowego oraz jest w stanie w łatwy sposób wygenerować efekty JavaScript rollover.
asc2dvd |[..]load3226.html |
3322x |
Creates Bmp files to DVD Subtitle Compatible Bitmap for use as a Croma containing the Subtitle from a Simple Text File who contains lines named by his trigger time. The file format is : HH:MM:SS:CC Line of subtitle at this time The files will contain The Line and will be named "HHMMSSCC.bmp" This script don't support multiple lines per bmp.
GTKSee | |
3290x |
GTKSee is a GTK+ image viewer and browser with slide show capability which aims to be an ACDSee clone.
Gphoto2html |[..]/gphoto2html/ |
3290x |
Gphoto2html to prosta, oparta o GTK aplikacja generująca zestaw stron WWW razem z miniaturami ze zbioru cyfrowych lub zeskanowanych zdjęć.
draw-polygon |[..]w-poligon.htm |
3266x |
Draw all regular polygonos. Input: center, radius, number segment.
IFSplot |[..]ects/ifsplot/ |
3239x |
ifsplot to program rysujący atraktory IFS (fraktale).
PCX statistics |[..]ndex_eng.html |
3188x |
PCX statistics pobiera średnią jasność z każdej linii obrazka, wybiera linie z najmniejszą i największą jasnością, a następnie używa tych wartości do obliczenia korekcji gamma dla programu skanującego.
CMYK Plugin for The GIMP |[..]eparate.shtml |
3144x |
CMYK GIMP plugin umożliwia separację RGB -> CMYK wewnątrz GIMPa, z użyciem littlecms do zarządzania kolorami oraz pozwala na zapisanie rezultatu jako CMYK TIFF.
Ellipse |[..]plugin_e.html |
3125x |
It makes a nice :-) ellipse/circle effect. It looks a little like the linse effekt, but I think its a bit difference. Simple try it and look.
KiCAD |[..]ad/index.html |
3114x |
Kicad is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.
Designed and written by Jean-Pierre Charras, a researcher at LIS (Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux) and a teacher in IUT de Saint Martin d'Hères.(France), in the field of electrical engineering and image processing.
Kicad is a set of four softwares and a project manager:
Eeschema :Schematic entry.
Pcbnew :Board editor.
Gerbview :GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents).
Cvpcb :footprint selector for components used in the circuit design.
Kicad: project manager.
parts | |
3091x |
The program generates macros for drawing 2D CAD parts according to DIN or CSN standards in dxf and other various formats.
jpig |[..]rojects/jpig/ |
3076x |
jpig to program do wczytywania i dekompresji plików JPEG, przemapowywania ich palet i konwertowania obszarów obrazów na znaki do wyświetlania na standardowej tekstowej konsoli Linuksa.
SGrViewer |[..]ski/index.php |
3066x |
SGrViewer is an image viewer for X11. It can open images from local disks or from the Internet via the HTTP protocol. It can create the image lists and recognize images from HTML documents. It supports slideshows, sorts, searching for duplicates, and the use of locale-specific charsets.
imageSearch |[..]ageSearch.php |
3062x |
imageSearch is a Python script that recursively searches directories for duplicate images. When duplicates are found, they are displayed in a GUI as a tree with buttons for deleting the ones you don't want.