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White_dune | |
2030x |
White_dune is a low level VRML97 tool not only for Unix.
Depending on hard- and software, white_dune can be a immersive VRML editor with support for stereoscopic view and support for 3D inputdevices.
Height Map Editor | |
2007x |
Hme is a 2D program, used for creating, manipulating and viewing height maps. A height map is a 2D representation of a 3D terrain. Each 'color' represents a height.
Figurine | |
1983x |
Figurine to narzędzie pod X11 do edycji grafiki wektorowej w formacie xfig FIG3.2. Jest łatwiejszy w użyciu niż xfig, jednocześnie oferując podobne możliwości. Figurine potrafi zapisywać w dowolnym formacie obsługiwanym przez narzędzie fig2dev.
AC3D | |
1971x |
AC3D is a popular 3D object/scene modeller available for Windows and Linux (previous versions for SGI, Solaris and HP also available). It's very easy to use but powerful too - anyone can create good looking 3d objects in minutes. Whether you want to design 3d objects for games or build your dream home in virtual reality, AC3D is the ideal way to quickly turn your ideas into great three dimensional models. It supports many file formats including POV-Ray, VRML (1 and 2), RenderMan ,3D Studio, Lightwave, DXF, Alias triangle, Wavefront OBJ, Direct X. AC3D is used by thousands throughout the world. Even those who have access to much more expensive 3d graphics software have AC3D because it's fast and easy to use.
Open Source Draw | |
1971x |
A Web-based drawing program.
Kandid | |
1969x |
Kandid is a system to evolve graphics. Graphics, in Kandid, are not drawn by hand. Instead, new forms can be found using genetic algorithms.
NAFE | |
1966x |
nafe (Not Another Font Editor) to narzędzie do konwertowania linuksowych czcionek konsolowych na pliki tekstowe ASCII nadające się do czytania i edycji. Program jest także zdolny do konwersji plików tekstowych z powrotem na używalne pliki czcionek PSF dla tekstowej konsoli Linuksa.
GPaint | |
1964x |
A simple, easy-to-use paint program for GNOME
XPaint |[..]ts/sf-xpaint/ |
1939x |
XPaint to edytor obrazów obsługujący najbardziej standardowe opcje programów do rysowania. Zawiera zaawansowane funkcje takie jak algorytmy obróbki obrazu, jednoczesna edycja wielu rysunków oraz obsługa szerokiej gamy formatów graficznych.
DoubleType | |
1938x |
DoubleType jest graficznym programem do projektowania czcionek TrueType.
Blu Tulip | |
1936x |
Blu Tulip is a GNUstep and Cocoa image editor that support many color spaces such as L*a*b*, CMYK, etc.
Refocus | |
1927x |
The Refocus Gimp plug-in can be used to sharpen images. It is intended to be used for scanned photos and slides, and in many cases produces much better results than the sharpen or unsharp mask plugins. It features a preview that helps you to select the best parameters.
Aewan | |
1923x |
Aewan to oparty o curses program który pozwala na tworzenie i edycję ASCII artów.
Geomview | |
1922x |
Geomview is an interactive program written by the staff of the Geometry Center for viewing and manipulating 3D (and higher dimensional) geometric objects. It can be used as a standalone viewer for static object or as a display engine for other programs which produce dynamically changing geometry.
allegro-sprite-editor | |
1888x |
ASE is a program specially designed with facilities to create sprites that can be used in some video games.