Nazwa oprogramowania |
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WebMake | |
4212x |
WebMake jest prostym systemem zarządzania portalem WWW. Nie wymaga języków dynamicznych na sewerze, może zostać uruchomiony offline.
Flat Assembler | |
4184x |
Flat assembler jest szybkim i wydajnym assemblerem przeznaczonym dla systemu DOS, Windows i Linux. Aktualnie wspiera wszystkie instrukcje procesorów 8086-80486/Pentium (MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, 3DNow!).
Doxygen | |
4183x |
Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors) and to some extent PHP and C#.
Fenris |[..]s/devel.shtml |
4182x |
Fenris to wielozadaniowy tracer, debugger oraz narzędzie do analizy kodu, które wykrywa i dokumentuje konstrukcje języków wysokiego poziomu, potrafi odtwarzać symbole, ilustrować graficznie tok wykonywania programu, wykrywac funkcje wewnętrzne, odzyskiwać tablice symboli i radzić sobie z zabezpieczeniem przed debuggingiem. Posiada interfejs linii poleceń, a także GUI podobne do SoftICE oraz frontend Web.
Another Easy Editor | |
4154x |
An easy to use text editor. Intended to be usable with little or no instruction. Provides both a terminal (curses based) interface and native X-Windows interface (in which case the executable is called xae). Features include pop-up menus, journalling (to recover from system crash or loss of connection), cut-and-paste, multiple buffers (associated with files or not), and much more.
Lisp |[..]tl/cltl2.html |
4152x |
LISP (LISt Processor) is generally regarded as the language for AI. LISP was formulated by AI pioneer John McCarthy in the late 50's. Although LISP doesn't have a built-in inference mechanism, inference processes can be implemented into LISP very easily. LISP's essential data structure is an ordered sequence of elements called a "list." The elements may be irreducible entities called "atoms" (functions, names or numbers) or they can be other lists. Lists are essential for AI work because of their flexibility: a programmer need not specify in advance the number or type of elements in a list. Also, lists can be used to represent an almost limitless array of things, from expert rules to computer programs to thought processes to system components. Originally, LISP was built around a small set of simple list-manipulating functions which were building blocks for defining other, more complex functions. Today's LISPs have many functions and features which facilitate development efforts. Among contemporary implementations and dialects, have gained acceptance as a standard. A substantial amount of work has also been done in Scheme, a LISP dialect which has influenced the developers of Common LISP.
JSwat Java Debugger | |
4126x |
JSwat is a graphical, stand-alone Java debugger, using the JPDA library.
Kaffe | |
4087x |
GNU GPL "Java". There are lots of bugs and not implemented features, but has good license, so it is included in most Linux distributions.
Xalan-C++ |[..]-c/index.html |
4071x |
Xalan jest procesorem XSLT dla transformowania dokumentów XML w HTML, tekst czy inny format.
Xalan-C++ w wersji 1.8 jest pełną implementacją rekomendacji X3C dla XSLT oraz języka XPath.
Działa z kompatybilnym wydaniem prasera XML o nazwie Xerces-C++ w wersji 2.5.0.
ncc |[..]cc/index.html |
4066x |
ncc (The new generation C compiler ) is a compiler that produces program analysis information.
MetaL | |
4050x |
MetaL is shorthand for Meta-programming Language. Meta-programming is a method to develop computer programs. It works by generating source code in a target language from a program specification in a higher level language.
MetaL programs source code is based on XML. MetaL compiler engine can be used to generate the same program from MetaL source code to potentially any target language. Currently supported target languages are PHP, Java and Perl. The support for other languages can be added any time.
4tH compiler |[..]~thebeez/4tH/ |
4029x |
4tH to kompilator języka Forth z drobną różnicą. Zamiast standardowego engine języka Forth oferuje konwencjonalny kompilator.
Memgrep | |
4008x |
Search/replace/dump memory from running processes and core files.
Bash Debugger | |
4003x |
The Bash Debugger Project contains patched sources to BASH that enable better debugging support as well as improved error reporting.
It contains step-by-step running, breakpoints, etc.
PilRC UI | |
3998x |
GUI for PilRC.