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edit-on Pro | |
2681x |
Edytor WYSIWYG stron XHTML/XML napisany w formie apletu Javy.
zprof | |
2667x |
A basic block profiler for ANSI C programs which produces a count of the number of times each basic block is executed. It's behavior is similar to that produced by the gcc -a command.
Placebo | |
2666x |
Placebo is a framework for developing Web-based applications in the PHP scripting language.
Mozquery | |
2638x |
Mozquery to rozszerzenie dla Mozilli/Firebirda dla koderów RDF. Ma na celu umożliwić szybkie i pewne rozwijanie kodu RDF, oferując zestaw narzędzi do pisania i przetwarzania zawartości plików RDF.
PyCrash | |
2619x |
PyCrash to program zrzucający wyjątki, który obsługuje niezłapane wyjąkti podczas wykonywania programów w Pythonie i zbiera informacje o kontekście programu.
shc | |
2613x |
Shc to kompilator typowych skryptów powłoki. Wczytuje określony w linii poleceń skrypt i produkuje kod źródłowy w C. Wygenerowany kod źródłowy jest następnie kompilowany i linkowany tworząc plik wykonywalny.
GNAT | |
2613x |
GNAT (GNU New York University Ada Translator) to kompilator języka Ada 95. Został zaimplementowany jako front-end dla gcc (NIE generuje pośrednego kodu w C).
TAU |[..]tau/main.html |
2598x |
TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) jest zbiorem narzędzi do analizy i przyspieszania programów pisanych w C, C++, Fortranie i Javie.
Eddi | |
2591x |
Eddi is a very powerfull and easy to use editor. It is written by a person who did not like emacs, but needed a big editor nevertheless. Eddi has the advantage that it is extremely intuitive and therefore very easy to use. I personaly consider it as the best editor for X, that's the reason why I decided to maintain it:
| Make |[..]MetaLogi/LaKe |
2566x | Make is yet another make replacement, but one that allows you to create your makefile in C++.
php_template | |
2548x |
php_template jest bardzo szybkim i łatwym w użyciu systemem generowania stron z użyciem szablonów.
LavaPE | |
2541x |
LavaPE is a programming environment for the experimental object-oriented programming language Lava. It replaces text editing with structure editing, thereby preventing all syntactic and many semantic errors. The pure point-and-click nature of Lava programming and the concise representation of programs as declaration trees with small chunks of executable code simplify programming, and ease comprehension.
Bitflux Editor | |
2534x |
Bitflux Editor is a browser-based WYSIWYG XML editor which is written in JavaScript and uses XML, XSLT, and CSS for rendering.
Drome Engine | |
2527x |
Drome Engine is a 3D game engine written in C++ using OpenGL for graphics rendering.
GenDoc | |
2518x |
GenDoc (formerly GenDiapo) is an XML Editor based on a existing project, MerlotXML. It can use two kinds of plugins (DTD and/or action). The DTD plugin can be used to customize the editor for a DTD, and an action plugin can be used to publish documents in HTML or PDF format. The editor is composed of 3 views: tree view, attribute view for current element, and a "styled view". The aim of styled view is to show the document with a visual aspect.