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libsuma |[..]index.en.html |
2149x |
The simplest form of making a library with the GNU C compiler.
Woody |[..]ojects/woody/ |
2148x |
Woody is a tree editor, also known as an outliner. It is similar to a text editor, but allows you to organize your information in a hierarchy.
Script Editor | |
2143x |
Text Editor for testing and develope of scripts.
OverApps Intranet |[..]cts/overapps/ |
2140x |
OverApps GroupWare is an instant intranet software for Windows. OverApps allows you to create Web based GroupWare in a few minutes.
cscope | |
2138x |
Cscope jest interaktywnym, konsolowym narzędziem do przeglądania kodów źródłowych w poszukiwaniu określonych elementów.
2134x |
CACAO is a JIT compiler for Java.
Exchanger XML Browser | |
2117x |
Exchanger XML Browser - Visualising elements in a XML document.
Gtk Development Environment |[..]/ews/gde.html |
2117x |
GTK Development Environment (GDE) to framework do programowania. Nie jest to typowe środowisko developerskie, ale coś więcej niż narzędzie do zarządzania projektami.
Ampoliros | |
2111x |
Ampoliros is an advanced and easy to use distributed PHP Web applications platform, featuring a powerful Xml-Rpc and Soap interface. It is suitable as an Internet/Intranet development and deployment system. It has a very strong modular architecture and allows very fast deployment of web solutions.
DrPython | |
2110x |
DrPython to konfigurowalne, łatwe i przejrzyste środowisko do tworzenia i rozwijania programów w Pythonie.
Bless | |
2106x |
Bless - Gtk# Hex Editor
jMax |[..]rojects/jmax/ |
2103x |
jMax to graficzne środowisko programistyczne do tworzenia interaktywnych aplikacji muzycznych i multimedialnych czasu rzeczywistego, pozwalające użytkownikowi projektować obwody przepływu danych.
KCachegrind | |
2099x |
KCachegrind visualizes profiles (i.e. runtime characteristics) of applications in various ways,
including call graph vizualisations and source/disassembler annotation.
Use it to find performance bottlenecks
DotGNU Portable.NET |[..]able_net.html |
2095x |
DotGNU Portable.Net is a portable suite of tools (including a C# compiler, assembler, and runtime engine) for non-Microsoft platforms such as GNU/Linux. It is a part of the DotGNU meta-project.
Hibernate | |
2081x |
Hibernate is a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework. The Hibernate Query Language, designed as a "minimal" object-oriented extension to SQL, provides an elegant bridge between the object and relational worlds. Hibernate also allows you to express queries using native SQL or Java-based Criteria and Example queries. Hibernate is now the most popular object/relational mapping solution for Java.