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pyc | |
2081x |
pyc kompiluje kod źródłowy na Python bytecode. Został napisany w całości w Pythonie, więc można go łatwo modyfikować i dodawać nowe funkcje do języka programowania Python.
RPy | |
2074x |
RPy to bardzo prosty interfejs Pythona do języka programowania R.
Umbrello UML Modeller | |
2071x |
Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language diagram programme for KDE. UML allows you to create diagrams of software and other systems in a standard format. Our handbook gives a good introduction to Umbrello and UML modelling.
phpMySearch | |
2068x |
phpMySearch is a personal search engine that one can use to provide a search feature for one's own Web site. It is very easy to install, and the configuration can be changed via a Web browser. phpMySearch is easy to integrate into an existing site because it uses templates. Supported document formats include HTML, PDF, and plain text. Outdated documents are automatically detected and deleted from the database.
pyfuscate |[..]ms/pyfuscate/ |
2057x |
pyfuscate to narzędzie do zaciemniania kodu źródłowego w Pythonie.
Bosco | |
2054x |
Bosco is a rewrite of the popular Bugzilla defect tracking software in PHP. It is database-independent, and aims to be easy to maintain and modify. It also has an API to allow external applications to work with its data.
CVSSpam |[..]ects/cvsspam/ |
2052x |
CVSspam sends email when a change is committed to the CVS repository. Syntax-highlighted diffs describe the changes made, and links to Web frontends on CVS and bug tracking systems are generated where possible.
Jabberwocky | |
2039x |
Jabberwocky is a Lisp IDE containing a Lisp-aware editor with syntax highlighting, parentheses matching, a source analyzer, indentation, a source level debugger, a project explorer, and an interaction buffer. It is the replacement for the Lisp Debug project.
MlView |[..]ects/gmlview/ |
2024x |
The MlView project is an on going effort to develop an xml editor for GNOME environment.
TekBlend | |
2019x |
TekBlend - Internet/intranet engine for building dynamic, customizable, scalable applications for the web.
dione |[..]ojects/dione/ |
2018x |
dione to framework do programowania genetycznego napisany w Pythonie.
Cut The Crap Software | |
2011x |
Cut The Crap Software is part of a project with two aims. The first aim is to produce a number of Java-based packages that each provide practical solutions to real problems. The second aim is to enable model-based generation of real world systems.
PyKyra | |
2004x |
PyKyra jest szkieletem do szybkiego tworzenia gier w języku Python. Oparty jest na SDL i motorze Kyra. Poza tym wspiera filmy w trybie MPEG oraz dźwięk: MP3, Ogg, Wav...
Komodo |[..]ducts/Komodo/ |
2002x |
Komodo to IDE, które umożliwia programistom pisanie w Perlu i Pythonie z użyciem Mozilli jako frameworku aplikacji.
BuildBot | |
2001x |