Nazwa oprogramowania |
Strona domowa |
Pobierane |
jzip | |
2756x | jest podobnym do WinZipa programem napisanym w Javie. Niezależny od platformy oferuje możliwość operowania na archiwach jar oraz zip.
kdar | |
2755x |
KDar is the "KDE Disk archiver", a disk-based archiving and backup utility.
MC-Burn |[..]e/mcburn.html |
2755x |
MC-Burn is a Midnight Commander extension to mkisofs and cdrecord. It makes it possible to write a CD from the menu of Midnight Commander.
Sitback |[..]bmenu=Sitback |
2754x |
Sitback is a backup tool that can run scheduled backups on a file/internet server, or single backup operations from the console or X. It can use any available file-like device (mag. tapes with ftape, scsi tapes, LS, Zip,Jazz, disks,NFS, cd, etc. etc.). The device can be local or remote. Sitback is still being developed, backup is stable and has been tested in production, but there is yet things to be added... such as archive listing and restore.
doc2xml | |
2751x |
converts Microsoft Word files to XML
Change Password Utility | |
2748x |
A tool for user and group administration.
hdup |[..]6/hdup16.html |
2745x |
hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features include encryption of the archive (with mcrypt), compression of the archive (bzip/gzip/none), the ability to transfer the archive to a remote host or restoring from a remote host (with ssh), the ability to split up archives, and no obscure archive format (it is a normal compressed tar file).
Demos Commander - deco |[..]rojects/deco/ |
2744x |
deco to menedżer plików działający w konsoli. Sam autor opisuje go jako klon Norton Commandera znanego z DOS-a. Jest ponad 3-krotnie mniejszy od Midnight Commandera, binarka to ok. 100KB. Oprócz małych rozmiarów deco ma jeszcze jeden atut - jest niesamowicie szybki.
Instalacja sprowadza się do uruchomienia trzy wierszowej litanii:
make install
Wacom Driver for XFree86 |[..]ojects/wacom/ |
2742x |
Sterownik XFree86 XInput dla tabletów Wacom. Obsługuje protokoły wacom IV i V.
lm_sensors | |
2728x |
Tool for monitoring the hardware health of Linux systems containing hardware health monitoring hardware such as the LM78 and LM75.
Common SGML utils |[..]mmon/releases |
2728x |
Pakiet sgml-common zawiera najbrdziej podstawowe narzędzia niezbędne do pracy z SGML i XML.
httpd.c | |
2728x |
Prosty serwer HTTP. Zaimplementowane są tylko wywołania GET. Odczytuje pliki z ustalanego katalogu głównego oraz generuje prosty indeks w HTML.
rpmsv | |
2719x |
RPMSV manages RPM packages installed on a system to determine which ones should be installed, deleted, or updated. This can be done with a single command.
ascii2pdf |[..]scii2pdf.html |
2714x |
ascii2pdf is a simple text to PDF converter. It has options for font, font size, and portrait vs. landscape.
outlook2mbox |[..]index.en.html |
2709x |
convert emails from Outlook to mbox format