Nazwa oprogramowania |
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awesum | |
10850x |
Awesum jest narzędziem które pozwala na weryfikowanie sum kontrolnych w trybie graficznym. Jest napisane w Pythonie i używa PyGTK.
Wspiera sprawdzanie zarówno algorytmem MD5 jak i SHA.
REOBack |[..]ects/reoback/ |
10748x |
REOBack a simple backup solution designed for Linux Users AND System Administrators. It is designed to be simple to set-up and and easy to use.
MyDNS | |
10514x |
MyDNS is a free DNS server for UNIX. It was implemented from scratch and is designed to serve records directly from an SQL database (currently either MySQL or PostgreSQL). Its primary objectives are stability, security, interoperability, and speed, though not necessarily in that order. MyDNS does not include recursive name service, nor a resolver library. It is primarily designed for organizations with many zones and/or resource records who desire the ability to perform real-time dynamic updates on their DNS data via MySQL. MyDNS supports a few frills, including round robin DNS, dynamic load balancing, and outgoing AXFR for non-MyDNS nameservers.
MyDNS starts and is ready to answer questions immediately, no matter how much DNS data you have in the database. It is very fast and memory-efficient.
Gnome Toaster | |
10413x |
Gnome Toaster is a cd creation suite. Thought to be as user-friendly as possible it lets you create cd recordables with just a few simple mouse clicks. Create your CDs by simply dragging the desired contents onto it's display window.
Re-Tail | |
10402x |
Re-Tail is a command line program which is intended as an intelligent incremental logfile reader. It will read a file or group of files given on the command line, and output any changes since last time it read the file(s).
sysstat |[..]stien.godard/ |
10398x |
Pakiet sysstat zawiera następujące komendy dla linuxa: sar, mpstat i iostat.
sar - zbiera i tworzy raport o aktywności systemu.
iostat - statystyki CPU i urządzeń wejścia/wyjścia
QuickDownloader | |
10373x |
Accelerate your downloads between 200%-300% with QuickDownloader. 100% resume support on all broken downloads. Supports http and ftp downloads.
USBView | |
10322x |
USBView is a GTK application to display information about the topology of the devices connected to the USB bus on a Linux machine. It also displays detailed information on the individual devices.
LaHelper | |
10292x |
This application is a LaTeX command helper. It provides a menu system that you can use to access the LaTeX markup language. Example text is displayed, copied to the clipboard, and selected after you choose a menu item (such as Text...Bold).
PartImage | |
10265x |
Partition Image is a Linux/UNIX utility which saves partitions in many formats to an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied on removable floppies (ZIP for example), ... Partitions can be saved across the network since version 0.6.0.
SerLooK | |
10189x |
SerLooK to aplikacja KDE do inspekcji danych przesyłanych przez linie szeregowe. Może działać jako binarny terminal który wysyła i odbiera dane ze zdefiniowanego portu (tryb Point to Point) oraz wyświetlać je w oddzielnych widokach. Każdy widok może zostać skonfigurowany aby pokazywał dane w formacie szesnastkowym, dzisiętnym, ósemkowym lub ASCII.
Multi Gnome Terminal | |
10012x |
Multi Gnome Terminal to rozszerzona wersja gnome-terminala z wieloma nowymi funkcjami i rozszerzeniami. Najistotniejszym rozszerzeniem jest możliwość uruchomienia wielu terminali w jednym oknie.
RouterCli | |
9923x |
Cisco-like shell for diskless or one-floppy Linux mini-distributions.
Gcompressor | |
9572x |
A GUI interface for GNOME that can decompress and compress files.
XFE | |
9539x |
X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, which was developed by Maxim Baranov. Xfe aims to be the filemanager of choice for all the Unix addicts!