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George | |
9511x |
George is a file reorganizer and CD creator, especially suited for the creation of MP3 archive CD's. It will take files from all around your system and/or network, organize them into somewhat lexicographically sorted CD-sized chunks and provide means to create CDs using external pre-mastering and mastering software. George is written in perl, using the gnome-perl and Glade-perl modules (amongst others). There is also a command-line version of George which does not need any special (non-standard) Perl modules. To actually create CDs with George, you also need recent versions of cdrecord and mkisofs.
p7zip |[..]ojects/p7zip/ |
9507x |
p7zip jest portem 7z.exe i 7za.exe dla unixa. Jest doskonałym archiwizerem z bardzo wysokim stopniem kompresji.
Ghostscript | |
9415x |
Ghostscript is the name of a set of software that provides:
An interpreter for the PostScript (TM)language, with theability to convert PostScript language files to many formats, view them on display, and print them on printers that don't have PostScript language capability built in; An interpreter for the Portable Document Format (PDF) files, with the same abilities.
Apache | |
9350x |
Apache is one of the most using web server.
Mondo Rescue | |
9210x |
Program do archiwizacji systemu. Przygotowuje bootowalne płyty CD-ROM, dzięki którym po awarii systemu możesz odtworzyć pliki, nad którymi pracowałeś, a nawet cały system.
KHealthCare |[..]are/main.html |
9133x |
KHealthCare is a hardware monitoring program, running under Linux / KDE.
backup2l | |
9130x |
backup2l is a lightweight command line tool for generating, maintaining and restoring backups on a mountable file system (e. g. hard disk). The main design goals are are low maintenance effort, efficiency, transparency and robustness. In a default installation, backups are created autonomously by a cron script.
backup2l supports hierarchical differential backups with a user-specified number of levels and backups per level. With this scheme, the total number of archives that have to be stored only increases logarithmically with the number of differential backups since the last full backup. Hence, small incremental backups can be generated at short intervals while time- and space-consuming full backups are only sparsely needed.
BF-Commander |[..]/bfcommander/ |
9129x |
BF-Commander is a file manager for Linux written in Kylix 3 Open Edition. Only one library is required:, and is included in binary package.
lighttpd |[..]cts/lighttpd/ |
9123x |
lighttpd to bezpieczny, szybki, zgodny i bardzo elastyczny serwer WWW zaprojektowany dla środowisk wysokiej wydajności. Ma bardzo małe zużycie pamięci w porównaniu do innych serwerów WWW oraz dba o niskie zużycie CPU.
LinuxConf | |
9069x |
What is Linuxconf ?
* a sophisticated framework to write admin modules
* A lot of admin modules
Form2PDF |[..]cts/form2pdf/ |
8994x |
Form2PDF is a standalone UNIX PDF utility for converting text files to PDF, optionally adding a background image (a form) in the process. It can also send the resulting PDF file as an e-mail with the PDF file as an attachment. This is done through a built-in SMTP client and it does not depend on any other components.
WCCP2-Python |[..]ftware/wccpd/ |
8883x |
WCCP2-Python to implementacja Web-Cache Coordination Protocol (cache-side) w wersji 2.
IPMItool | |
8876x |
IPMItool to prosty interfejs linii poleceń do systemów, które obsługują specyfikację Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).
mkCDrec | |
8865x |
mkCDrec makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image (CDrec.iso), including backups of the linux system to the same CD-ROM (or CD-RW) if space permits, or to a multi-volume CD-ROM set. Otherwise, the backups can be stored on another local disk, NFS disk or (remote) tape.
python Postfix Policy Server |[..]policyserver/ |
8862x |
python Postfix Policy Server to serwer polityk oparty o Twisted framework. Aktualnie obsługuje greylisting, SPF i rozpoznawanie nieprawidłowych domen.