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libmikmod | |
2240x |
libmikmod to przenośna biblioteka dźwiękowa, dostarczana wraz z odtwarzaczem modułów MikMod, ale obecnie także wydawana oddzielnie. Służy do odtwarzania sampli i modułów z użyciem sterownika OSS, Alsa lub EsounD.
gladepyc |[..]gladepyc.html |
2237x |
gladepyc generuje moduł Pythona z opisu Glade XML GUI, który buduje odpowiadający mu interfejs GTK+ używając modułu _gtk z PyGTK.
TinyQT |[..]jects/tinyqt/ |
2225x |
a stripped down version of Qt that has been put together to use as a backend library and provides all the necessary library classes to comfortably develop in a C++ environment
PIL |[..]pil/index.htm |
2222x |
The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.
pyNetConv | |
2218x |
pyNetConv to biblioteka Pythona pomagająca przy konwersji niektórych sieciowych formatów plików. Potrafi odczytywać/zapisywać (oraz konwertować między sobą) następujące formaty plików: Pajek network files (.net), Pajek cluster files (.clu), Cytoscape network files (.sif), Cytoscape node attributes files, oraz GML.
Expat - XML parser library |[..]ojects/expat/ |
2197x |
Expat is an XML parser library; this means you register handlers with the parser before starting the parse (a start tag is an example of the kind of structures for which you may register handlers). These handlers are called when the parser discovers the associated structures in the document being parsed.
COID | |
2182x |
COID consists of an object-oriented networking library and tools that automatically generate a lightweight communications layer from C++ class declarations.
Popt |[..]ibs/popt.html |
2177x |
The popt library exists essentially for parsing command line options. Some specific advantages of popt are no global variables (allowing multiple passes in parsing argv), parsing an arbitrary array of argv-style elements (allowing parsing of command-line-strings from any source), a standard method of option aliasing, ability to exec external option filters, and automatic generation of help and usage messages.
libtholoura | |
2177x |
This is a text (into image) distortion library. It is useful if you want to create a site which wants to keep out the various bots and ensure that a human is reading your page. The library is written in C and is based on various distortion modules, completely independed of the actual library (and easily programmable).
Python X Library | |
2166x |
Python X Library to obiektowo zorientowana biblioteka do pisania aplikacji klienckich XWindows. Obsługuje całe X11R6 a także bazy danych zasobów i protokół ICCCM.
General Applet Interface Library | |
2163x |
Celem General Applet Interface Library jest danie programistom łatwego interfejsu do appletów. Biblioteka obsługuje wmapplety/dockappy, applety panelu GNOME 2 oraz panelu ROX.
Bakery | |
2155x |
Bakery is a C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm.
JZlib - Java implementation of zlib | |
2153x |
Something like Zlib - popular compress library but in Java.
PyQwt | |
2147x |
PyQwt to zestaw bindingów Pythona dla biblioteki klas Qwt, która zawiera widgety dla aplikacji naukowych i inżynierskich.
Libghttp |[..]ces/libghttp/ |
2136x |
Libghttp - GNOME http client.