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xml2var |[..]ities/xml2var |
1445x |
'xml2var' is an XML file parser which converts XML tags to shell variables. It is a part of the Serer optimized Linux System Tools.
aifc2wav |[..]aifc2wav.html |
1444x |
aifc2wav will save an AIFC (IMA4 or SOWT) sound file as a WAV file.
Dlh |[..]vidm/dlh.html |
1441x |
ADlh is a fast LaTeX-to-HTML translator written in C that can handle most of LaTeX.
WMtemp |[..]ts/wmtemp.php |
1436x |
WMtemp is based on code from (WMMemLoad and the sensor code is inspired by WMgtemp). It displays the CPU temperature and the system temperature in a dockapp, these temperatures are obtained through lm_sensors
licq2ickle | |
1435x |
licq2ickle is a small Perl script that will convert an Licq contactlist to an ickle contact list. Its pretty rough, but it works for all of the important things.
catdoc |[..]s/ice/catdoc/ |
1435x |
catdoc is program which reads one or more Microsoft word files and outputs text, contained insinde them to standard output. Therefore it does same work for .doc files, as unix cat command for plain ASCII files.
Grutatext |[..]grutatxt.html |
1434x |
Grutatxt is a plain text to HTML (and other formats) converter. It succesfully converts subtle text markup to lists, bold, italics, tables and headings to their corresponding HTML tags or troff commands without having to write unreadable source text files. Grutatxt is a perl module and a command line utility.
rss2html |[..]uff/#rss2html |
1431x |
rss2html pobiera pliki RSS RDF z dowlonej liczby weblogów oraz innych serwisów dynamicznych i zamienia je na pliki HTML. Najlepiej obsługuje RSS w wersjach przed 1.0.
Text2Html |[..]ms/otxt2html/ |
1428x |
Text2html to konwerter tekstu do HTML, napisany w Perlu z użyciem wyrażeń regularnych.
t2t | |
1427x |
t2t potrafi skonwertować dowolny oznaczony plik tekstowy do tabeli HTML. Obsługuje wszystkie atrybuty do różnych związanych z tabelami tagów. Potrafi odczytywać dane ze standardowego wejścia, pliku lub całego katalogu.
bcv | |
1425x |
bcv to proste narzędzie obsługiwane z linii poleceń które przyjmuje wiele rodzajów parametrów (hex, dec, bin, oct, znak ASCII, ciąg ASCII, poprzedzony znakiem ^ znak kontrolny) i konwertuje je na wszystkie powyższe formaty za jednym razem.
plkon | |
1421x |
Prosty skrypt konwertujący polskie ogonki. Obsługuje 19 "standardów". Konwertuje w przetwarzaniu potokowym.
AxPoint | |
1414x |
AxPoint generates slideshows in PDF format from a simple XML description format. It is written as a Perl SAX2 handler, but also ships with command line tools. The format supports slide transitions, PDF bookmarks, bullet point transitions, images, text colours, different fonts, and more.
abcMIDI |[..]nabc/top.html |
1413x |
The abcMIDI suite consists of programs for turning ABC music files into MIDI and vice versa, typesetting them as PostScript files, and manipulate them in several ways.
KEuroConverter |[..]projects.html |
1410x |
KEuroConverter to konwerter walut dla KDE.