Nazwa oprogramowania |
Strona domowa |
Pobierane |
Chopro2anything |[..]pro2anything/ |
3156x |
Chopro2anything is a suite of programs that convert chopro files into a range of other formats.
Delineate | |
3054x |
Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It loads images using JIU and displays results using Batik. The valid input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, and RAS.
T.E.A.R. | |
3047x |
A console-based CD to MP3/OGG encoding tool with all of the perks.
mbx2mbox | |
2818x |
Converts older Outlook Express .mbx files into standard mail files that programs like Pine, Eudora, and Netscape can parse. Microsoft likes to make their own standards, don't they? I've only tested this script for the Windows version of Outlook Express. Please report any successes or failures on other platforms/versions. (The link above also has information about other techniques for porting MS email to RFC 822.)
LineFeed | |
2784x |
Linefeed to graficzne narzędzie GTK oferujące łatwy sposób konwersji DOSowych plików tekstowych na Uniksowe usuwając wszystkie niechciane znaki carriage return.
txt2pdf PRO |[..]t2pdfPRO.html |
2783x |
This tool is designed to convert files from text to PDF format.
This version supports form-feeds, TrueType fonts, and the ability to use images in the background and foreground layers. You can also upload PDFs to an FTP server.
doc2xml | |
2739x |
converts Microsoft Word files to XML
outlook2mbox |[..]index.en.html |
2700x |
convert emails from Outlook to mbox format
asp2php | |
2595x |
asp2php converts WWW Active Server Pages (ASP) files that run on the Microsoft IIS Web Server into PHP pages to run on Apache.
| |[..]jects/a2ping/ |
2543x |
a2ping is a Unix command line utility that converts many raster image and vector graphics formats to EPS or PDF and other page description formats. Accepted input file formats are: PS (PostScript), EPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, BMP, GIF, LBM, XPM, PCX, and TGA. Accepted output formats are: EPS, PCL5, PDF, PDF1, PBM, PGM, PPM, PS, markedEPS, markedPS, PNG, XWD, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, and XPM. a2ping delegates the low-level work to Ghostscript (GS), pdftops, and sam2p. Only the first page of PDF and PS files are converted.
Tiny RML2PDF |[..]page/trml2pdf |
2427x |
Tiny RML2PDF converts an XML file to a quality PDF document.
Ico2xpm |[..]ects/ico2xpm/ |
2413x |
Converts Win icons to X pixmaps.
dtrx | |
2372x |
Intelligent archive extraction
konvert | |
2335x |
GUI to batch convert files (images, audio files, office documents, archive files,...).
Xpmfilter |[..]ndex_eng.html |
2330x |
Xpmfilter convert XPM pictures to two-color black and white pictures.