Nazwa oprogramowania |
Strona domowa |
Pobierane |
xload-snmp | |
1392x |
xload-snmp adds SNMP querying abilities to the venerable xload program.
Dryad | |
1392x |
Dryad to demon, który w czasie rzeczywistym analizuje logi. Jest oparty na niektórych założeniach i osiągnięciach częściowo porzuconego projektu LogSentry. Działa podobnie do normalnego demona syslog, odbierając wiadomości sysloga przez sieć. Wiadomości są przekazywane do podprogramu przetwarzającego, który porównuje je z zestawem wyrażeń regularnych, próbując określić, na ile są krytyczne.
LogDog |[..]tware/LogDog/ |
1391x |
LogDog is a daemon for monitoring system log files and emailing administrators.
netlcdclient | |
1390x |
netlcdclient is a client for LCDproc. It shows network statistics from any interface listed in /proc/net/dev and will work well with 20x4 LCD displays.
ippl | |
1387x |
ippl logs IP packets sent to a computer. It runs in the background, and displays information about the incoming packets.
Egglog | |
1386x |
Egglog generates statistics based on public lines, actions and user channel joins (on IRC).
Driftnet |[..]ris/driftnet/ |
1385x |
Driftnet listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes.
Genmon | |
1385x |
Genmon is a simple monitoring system written in Perl, that can be configured to monitor services and output results as PNG images.
MoNetAny |[..]ele/monetany/ |
1384x |
MoNetAny is a general monitor applet for the gnome panel.
Bubbling Load Monitor |[..]d92-jwa/code/ |
1384x |
Bubbling Load Monitor is a system CPU and memory load monitor for the GNOME panel. The water level indicates how much memory is in use.
autoabuse | |
1382x |
autoabuse monitores the default SuSE Linux firewall log /var/log/messages vor incoming port scans on 27374.
NeTraMet |[..]net/NeTraMet/ |
1379x |
NeTraMet is a network accounting meter. It builds up packet and byte counts for traffic flows, which are defined by their end-point addresses.
jail (Just Another IP Logger) | |
1379x |
jail is a simple, but often useful network security tool which displays ICMP packets and attempted TCP connections from remote hosts.
scanssh |[..]ovos/scanssh/ |
1376x |
scanssh scans a list of addresses and networks for running SSH protocol servers and their version numbers.
schlog (Simple Colourized Helpful Logs) |[..]dw/schlog.php |
1375x |
Simple Colourized Helpful Logs is a tool that monitors your system log, outputting a formatted and colourized version of them on a Virtual Terminal.