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> US-Euro kalendář

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Kategorie: Javascript
Programovací jazyk: Javascript
Domovská stránka:
Tvůrce: Doug Lawson
Popis skriptu: Velmi hezký kalednář s možností zobrazení v anglické i evropské verzi
Nároky na klienta: Aktivní JS
Nároky na server: žádné
Ukázka spuštěného skriptu
Kód s komentáři:
<!-- KROK JEDNA: Vložte následující kod do hlavičky HEAD -->


<!-- Original: Doug Lawson ( -->

<!-- Další skripty naleznete na -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
var calStartDOW = 0;
var holidays = new Array();
holidays["1 Jan 2000"] = true;
holidays["17Jan 2000"] = true;
holidays["21 Feb 2000"] = true;
holidays["21 Apr 2000"] = true;
holidays["29 May 2000"] = true;
holidays["3 Jul 2000"] = true;
holidays["4 Jul 2000"] = true;
holidays["4 Sep 2000"] = true;
holidays["10 Nov 2000"] = true;
holidays["23 Nov 2000"] = true;
holidays["24 Nov 2000"] = true;
holidays["25 Dec 2000"] = true;
holidays["31 Dec 2000"] = true;
// months[] is used internally for (among other things) compatibility with
// javascript Date.parse() methods. You should only have to change it if
// your language variable changes.
var months = new Array( "Led","Uno","Bže", "Dub","Kvě","Čer", "Črv","Srp","Zář","Říj", "Lis", "Pro");
// Long month names
// longmonths is used for calendar titles. They don't have to be long,
// just whatever you would like to display
var longmonths = new Array( "Leden", "Únor", "Březen",
"Duben", "Květen", "Červen",
"Červenec", "Srpen", "Září",
"Říjen", "Listopad", "Prosinec" );

var leapdays = new Array(31,29,31, 30,31,30, 31,31,30, 31,30,31);
var yeardays = new Array(31,28,31, 30,31,30, 31,31,30, 31,30,31);
// the symbols to use at the top of the calendars
var dow = new Array("Ne","Po","Ut","St","Ct","Pa","So");
// globalCalWidth is the default width for calendar tables
var globalCalWidth = "95%";
// colors
// changing colors here is a lot easier than slogging through the code
// actually, it would be better to do all this with classes and style sheets
// but we want to support some older browsers
var colorWhite = "#FFFFFF";
var colorDarkRed = "#800000";
var colorMedRed = "#B00000";
var colorLightGrey = "#E0E0E0";
var colorMedGray = "#808080";
var colorOffWhite = "#F8F8F8";
var colorDkBlue = "#0000E0";
// colors for various parts of the calendars
var holidayColor = colorMedRed; // fg color for weekends and holidays
var dowBGColor = colorLightGrey; // bg for days of week at top of calendar
var dowFGColor = colorDkBlue; // fg for days of week
var calHdrBGColor = colorMedGray; // bg for month and year
var calHdrFGColor = colorOffWhite; // fg for month and year
// a global date object to speed things up a little, since
// there are lots of places where we need today's date
var myDate = new Date();
// thisMonth and thisYear are used as static vars for
// newCalendars() (for persistence between calls, which may
// or may not involve reloading the document)
// whether these are important or not depends on how you
// handle the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons. If you reload the
// script from the server using GET, you won't use these variables.
// if you want to cahnge the target so that going backward or
// forward does not require a reload, then you will be setting these
// from the buttons, probably best done with a handler for onClick()
var thisMonth = myDate.getMonth();
var thisYear = myDate.getFullYear();
// Now, figure out the arguments the page was loaded with
// and what they mean
// you won't need the next four lines if you don't use GET for
// the PREVIOUS and NEXT features. Comment them out
// if that is the case
var URLargs = getURLArgs(true);
if (URLargs.year) { thisYear = parseInt(URLargs.year); }
if (URLargs.month) { thisMonth = (parseInt(URLargs.month)%12); }
if (URLargs.starton) { calStartDOW = (parseInt(URLargs.starton)%7); }
function isLeapYear( year ){
// is it leap year ? returns a boolean
return ( (0 == (year%4)) && ( (0 != (year%100)) || (0 == (year%400))));
// ie, if the year divides by 4, but not by 100 except when it divides by
// 400, it is leap year
function isValidDayOfMonth( day, month, year)
// determines whether a day is valid
// (ie, prevents Feb 30 from being processed)
// ( not used but left here for other pages that use
// this calendar, like the time-off request form )
if (day <= 0) { return false; }
if (isLeapYear(year)) { return (day <= leapdays[month])}
return ( day <= yeardays[month]);
function canonicalDate(day, month, year)
// return the number of days since the Jan 0 2000 (ie, 1/1/2K returns 1, 31/12/1999 returns 0)
// for days before Jan 1 2000, returns negative numbers
var canonDate = 0;
// if the function had no arguments, use today's date;
var mday = myDate.getDate();
var mmon = myDate.getMonth();
var myr = myDate.getFullYear();
if( arguments.length > 0 ) { mday = arguments[0]; }
if( arguments.length > 1 ) { mmon = arguments[1]; }
if( arguments.length > 2 ) { myr = arguments[2]; }
if(myr >= 2000)
{ canonDate += mday;
while(mmon > 0) { canonDate += isLeapYear(myr) ? leapdays[mmon]: yeardays[mmon]; mmon--;}
while(myr > 2000){ canonDate += isLeapYear(myr) ? 366: 365; myr--; }
{ canonDate -= isLeapYear(myr) ? leapdays[mmon] - mday: yeardays[mmon] - mday;
while(mmon < 11) { mmon++; canonDate -= isLeapYear(myr) ? leapdays[mmon]: yeardays[mmon];}
while(myr < 1999){ myr++; canonDate -= isLeapYear(myr) ? 366: 365;}
return canonDate;
function dateDiff(firstDate, secondDate)
// returns the result in days of subtracting firstDate from secondDate. Result is
// negative if secondDate came before firstDate.
var days= ( canonicalDate(secondDate.getDate(), secondDate.getMonth(), secondDate.getFullYear()) -
canonicalDate(firstDate.getDate(), firstDate.getMonth(), firstDate.getFullYear()));
return days;
function shiftArray(myArray)
// since Array.shift() is missing or broken on some versions of MSIE
// we fake it here.
if(-1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")) {
var myVal = myArray[0];
for(i=0; i<(myArray.length -1); i++)
{ myArray[i] = myArray[i+1];}
myArray.length = myArray.length -1;
return myVal; }
else return myArray.shift();
function isHoliday(year,mon,mday)
// it the date on the list?
// the format is a little sensitive, you
// have to make sure that 'mon' is
// something that Date.parse() can
// understand
var dStr = mday + " " + mon + " " + year;
if(holidays[dStr]) { return true; }
return false;
function isWeekend( year, mon, mday)
var mDate = new Date(mday + " " + mon + " " + year);
return ( ( 0 == mDate.getDay()) || ( 6 == mDate.getDay() ));
function calculateWorkDays( startDate, endDate)
// called with 2 Date Objects as arguments.
// calculates the number of workdays between two dates by adding up the
// number of days and subtracting weekends and holidays.
var myEndDate = canonicalDate(endDate.getDate(), endDate.getMonth(), endDate.getFullYear());
var counter = 0;
var mDay = startDate.getDate();
var mMonth = startDate.getMonth();
var mYear = startDate.getFullYear();
while (canonicalDate(mDay, mMonth, mYear) <= myEndDate)
if(! ( isHoliday(mYear,months[mMonth],mDay) || isWeekend(mYear,months[mMonth],mDay)) )
{ counter++; }

// increment the date
// are we at the end of a month ?
var omDay = mDay;
var omMonth = mMonth;
var omYear = mYear;
mDay = isLeapYear(mYear) ?
((mDay >= leapdays[mMonth]) ? 1 : mDay+1):
((mDay >= yeardays[mMonth]) ? 1 : mDay+1);
// do we need to increment the month ?
mMonth = (mDay == 1) ? (mMonth +1) % 12: mMonth;
// do we need to increment the year?
mYear = ( (mDay == 1) && (mMonth == 0)) ? mYear + 1: mYear;
// startDate = new Date(mDay, mMonth, mYear);
return counter;
function writeCalendar(target, myYear, myMonth, sday, eday)
// writes a calendar to target for myMonth myYear.
// sday and eday are optional values indicating the range of dates
// to be set in bold.
// get a new date for the first day of the month the user is looking at
var calDate = new Date( myYear, myMonth, 1, 0,0,0,0 );
// how many days are in the month ?
var mDays = isLeapYear(myYear) ? leapdays[myMonth]: yeardays[myMonth];
var i = 0;
// what day of the week does the month start on?
var wkDay = calDate.getDay();
var dateBgAtt = "";
var dateFontTag = "";
var fontCloseTag = "";
var boldTag = "";
var unBoldTag = "";
// if the function was called with the sday and eday arguments, then the
// caller wants a range of dates written in bold
var useBold = arguments.length >= 5 ? true: false;
// write the header for the calendar ( month and year )
target.write("<CENTER>\n<TABLE BORDER='0' CELLPADDING='6' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH=\"80%\">\n");
// set the background color in the TR tag
target.write("<TR BGCOLOR=\"", calHdrBGColor, "\">");
// set the FG color using a FONT tag, better would be style sheets
"<TD COLSPAN='5'><FONT COLOR=\"", calHdrFGColor, "\"><STRONG>",
"</STRONG></FONT></TD>","<TD COLSPAN='2'><FONT COLOR=\"", calHdrFGColor, "\"><STRONG>",
// write the abbreviations for days of the week into the top line of the calendar
target.write("<TR BGCOLOR=\"", dowBGColor, "\">");
for(i=0; i< 7; i++)
{ target.write("<TD><FONT COLOR=\"", dowFGColor,
"\">", dow[((i+calStartDOW)%7)],
// start the first line with blank spaces until we get to the first day of the month
target.write("<TR ALIGN='RIGHT'>");
for(i=0 ; i < ((7 - calStartDOW + wkDay)%7); i++)
{ target.write("<TD> \; \; \;</TD>"); }
// since javascript doesn't do modulus on negative numbers,
// add 7 to anything that might be negative
var cmdate = i - ((7 - calStartDOW + wkDay)%7);
// write the weekdays
for( i=i; cmdate < mDays ; i++)
// what is the date ?
// if we have reached the end of a week, start another one
if(0 == (i%7)){ target.write("</TR>\n<TR ALIGN='RIGHT'>"); }
// if the date is a holiday or weekend, set it in color
if( (isHoliday(calDate.getFullYear(),months[calDate.getMonth()],cmdate))
|| (isWeekend(calDate.getFullYear(),months[calDate.getMonth()],cmdate)) )
dateBgAtt = "";
dateFontTag = "<FONT COLOR=\"" + holidayColor + "\">";
fontCloseTag = "</FONT>"; }
{ dateBgAtt = "";
dateFontTag = "";
fontCloseTag = ""; }

// set the days off in bold
if( ( useBold ) && (cmdate >= sday) && (cmdate <= eday))
{ boldTag = "<STRONG><EM>";
unBoldTag = "</EM></STRONG>"; }
else {
boldTag = "";
unBoldTag = ""; }
target.write("<TD ", dateBgAtt, " >", dateFontTag, boldTag, cmdate, unBoldTag, fontCloseTag, "</TD>");
while(0 != (i%7)) { target.write("<TD> </TD>"); i++; }
function drawCalendar( ourTarget, ourYear, ourMonth, startDay, endDay)
// serves as a wrapper for writeCalendar()
// if you want to do anything special, such as changing the colors,
// or opening a special window, you can do it here before calling writeCalendar().
// sday and eday are optional values indicating the range of dates
// to be set in bold.
// arguments:
// ourTarget - document to write to
// ourYear, ourMonth - integers, typically returned by Date.getMonth() and Date.getDate()
// startDay, endDay - optional start and end days for bolding
var myMonth = myDate.getMonth();
var myYear = myDate.getFullYear();
var target = document;
// strictly speaking, all the arguments are optional.
// if you only want this month's calendar, called drawCalendar() with no args.
if(arguments.length >= 1) { target = ourTarget; }
if(arguments.length >= 2) { myYear = ourYear; }
if(arguments.length >= 3) { myMonth = ourMonth; }
{ writeCalendar(target, myYear, myMonth, startDay, endDay); }
function getURLArgs(caseBool)
// gets the arguments the page was loaded with - that is,
// everything after the first '?'
// parameters:
// caseBool - set to true or positive integer to force lowercase
// for parameter values
// values are ALWAYS case sensitive
var casefree = ( (true == caseBool) || (caseBool >= 1)) ? true: false;
var args = new Object();
var query =;
// alert(query);
var pairs = query.split("&");
for(var i = 0; i< pairs.length; i++)
pairs[i]= unescape(pairs[i]);
var pos=pairs[i].indexOf('=');
if(-1 == pos) continue;
var argname;
if(true != casefree) { argname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos); }
else { argname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos).toLowerCase(); }
var value = pairs[i].substring(pos+1);
args[argname] = value;
return args;
function newCalendars(myear, mmonth)
// puts three calendars on the page from which it
// was called. (last month, this month, next month)
// Params
// when called with 2 arguments
// myear - the year for the center calendar
// mmonth - the month for the center calendar
var myMonth = thisMonth;
var myYear = thisYear;
if(arguments.length == 2) { myMonth = mmonth; myYear == myear; }
// it's surprising how many coders don't use modular arithmetic to
// do date and time. Javascript doesn't understand negative numbers in
// positive modulus, so we add 11 instead of subtracting 1.
var lastMonth = (myMonth + 11) % 12;
var lmYear = (myMonth == 0)? myYear -1: myYear;
var nextMonth = (myMonth +1)%12;
var nmYear = (myMonth == 11)? myYear + 1: myYear;
document.write("<TABLE ALIGN=\"TOP\" WIDTH=\"90\%\"><TR VALIGN=\"TOP\"><TD>");
var isThisMonth = ((lastMonth == myDate.getMonth())&& (lmYear==myDate.getFullYear()));
drawCalendar(document, lmYear, lastMonth,
(isThisMonth ? myDate.getDate():0),
(isThisMonth ? myDate.getDate():0)
isThisMonth = ((myMonth == myDate.getMonth())&& (myYear==myDate.getFullYear()));
drawCalendar(document, myYear, myMonth,
(isThisMonth? myDate.getDate():0),
(isThisMonth? myDate.getDate():0));
isThisMonth = ((nextMonth == myDate.getMonth())&& (nmYear==myDate.getFullYear()));
drawCalendar(document, nmYear, nextMonth,
(isThisMonth ? myDate.getDate():0),
(isThisMonth ? myDate.getDate():0));
// write the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons
// note that we create a form and use the document URL as the target,
// with the METHOD of GET.
// if we were writing the calendars into a separate window or frame,
// we wouldn't need to reload; we could just change the global values
// for thisYear, thisMonth, and calStartDOW, and refresh that window
// by calling newCalendars() with that window as target.
var docName = location.pathname;
var buttonString = "<INPUT TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\"Předchozí\"" +
" onClick='document.newCal.month.value=\"" + lastMonth+ "\"; " +
"document.newCal.year.value=" + lmYear + "; " +
"submit();' > ";
document.write("<FORM NAME=\"newCal\" METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"" + docName + "\">");
document.write("<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"month\" VALUE=\"" + myMonth +"\">");
document.write("<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"year\" VALUE=\"" + myYear +"\">");
document.write("<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"startOn\" VALUE=\"" + calStartDOW +"\">");
document.write( buttonString);
buttonString = "<INPUT TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\" Další \"" +
" onClick='document.newCal.month.value=" + nextMonth+ "; " +
"document.newCal.year.value=" + nmYear + "; " +
"submit();' > ";
document.write(" ");
document.write( buttonString);
var calStyleString = "" +
"<SMALL>Styl kalendáře: US" +
"<INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='calStyle' VALUE='us'" +
((calStartDOW == 0)? " CHECKED " : " ") +
" onClick='document.newCal.startOn.value=\"0\"; " +
"document.newCal.submit();'> " +
"" +
"Euro <INPUT TYPE='radio' NAME='calStyle' VALUE='euro'" +
((calStartDOW == 1)? " CHECKED " : " ") +
" onClick='document.newCal.startOn.value=\"1\"; " +
// End -->


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<!-- Original: Doug Lawson ( -->

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<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->

<!-- Begin
// End -->

<a href="">The JavaScript Source</a></font>

<!-- Velikost skriptu: 18.57 KB -->
Zadal/a: Linuxák

> Vyhledávání software
> Vyhledávání článků

28.11.2018 23:56 /František Kučera
Prosincový sraz spolku OpenAlt se koná ve středu 5.12.2018 od 16:00 na adrese Zikova 1903/4, Praha 6. Tentokrát navštívíme organizaci CESNET. Na programu jsou dvě přednášky: Distribuované úložiště Ceph (Michal Strnad) a Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému (Ondřej Caletka). Následně se přesuneme do některé z nedalekých restaurací, kde budeme pokračovat v diskusi.
Komentářů: 1

12.11.2018 21:28 /Redakce
22. listopadu 2018 se koná v Praze na Karlově náměstí již pátý ročník konference s tématem Datová centra pro business, která nabídne odpovědi na aktuální a často řešené otázky: Jaké jsou aktuální trendy v oblasti datových center a jak je optimálně využít pro vlastní prospěch? Jak si zajistit odpovídající služby datových center? Podle jakých kritérií vybírat dodavatele služeb? Jak volit vhodné součásti infrastruktury při budování či rozšiřování vlastního datového centra? Jak efektivně datové centrum spravovat? Jak co nejlépe eliminovat možná rizika? apod. Příznivci LinuxSoftu mohou při registraci uplatnit kód LIN350, který jim přinese zvýhodněné vstupné s 50% slevou.
Přidat komentář

6.11.2018 2:04 /František Kučera
Říjnový pražský sraz spolku OpenAlt se koná v listopadu – již tento čtvrtek – 8. 11. 2018 od 18:00 v Radegastovně Perón (Stroupežnického 20, Praha 5). Tentokrát bez oficiální přednášky, ale zato s dobrým jídlem a pivem – volná diskuse na téma umění a technologie, IoT, CNC, svobodný software, hardware a další hračky.
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4.10.2018 21:30 /Ondřej Čečák
LinuxDays 2018 již tento víkend, registrace je otevřená.
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18.9.2018 23:30 /František Kučera
Zářijový pražský sraz spolku OpenAlt se koná již tento čtvrtek – 20. 9. 2018 od 18:00 v Radegastovně Perón (Stroupežnického 20, Praha 5). Tentokrát bez oficiální přednášky, ale zato s dobrým jídlem a pivem – volná diskuse na téma IoT, CNC, svobodný software, hardware a další hračky.
Přidat komentář

9.9.2018 14:15 /Redakce
20.9.2018 proběhne v pražském Kongresovém centru Vavruška konference Mobilní řešení pro business. Návštěvníci si vyslechnou mimo jiné přednášky na témata: Nejdůležitější aktuální trendy v oblasti mobilních technologií, správa a zabezpečení mobilních zařízení ve firmách, jak mobilně přistupovat k informačnímu systému firmy, kdy se vyplatí používat odolná mobilní zařízení nebo jak zabezpečit mobilní komunikaci.
Přidat komentář

12.8.2018 16:58 /František Kučera
Srpnový pražský sraz spolku OpenAlt se koná ve čtvrtek – 16. 8. 2018 od 19:00 v Kavárně Ideál (Sázavská 30, Praha), kde máme rezervovaný salonek. Tentokrát jsou tématem srazu databáze prezentaci svého projektu si pro nás připravil Standa Dzik. Dále bude prostor, abychom probrali nápady na využití IoT a sítě The Things Network, případně další témata.
Přidat komentář

16.7.2018 1:05 /František Kučera
Červencový pražský sraz spolku OpenAlt se koná již tento čtvrtek – 19. 7. 2018 od 18:00 v Kavárně Ideál (Sázavská 30, Praha), kde máme rezervovaný salonek. Tentokrát bude přednáška na téma: automatizační nástroj Ansible, kterou si připravil Martin Vicián.
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> Poslední diskuze

31.7.2023 14:13 / Linda Graham
iPhone Services

30.11.2022 9:32 / Kyle McDermott
Hosting download unavailable

13.12.2018 10:57 / Jan Mareš
Re: zavináč

2.12.2018 23:56 / František Kučera

5.10.2018 17:12 / Jakub Kuljovsky
Re: Jaký kurz a software by jste doporučili pro začínajcího kodéra?

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ISSN 1801-3805 | Provozovatel: Pavel Kysilka, IČ: 72868490 (2003-2024) | mail at linuxsoft dot cz | Design: | Textová verze