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The newest distribution   Total count distribution: 42   Top download distributions
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Distribution Name Home page Downloaded
Source Mage GNU/Linux 3234x
Sourcemage is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a Sorcery metaphor of 'casting' and 'dispelling' programs, which we refer to as 'spells'.
aLinux 3191x
Świetna dystrybucja multimedialna.Zawiera dużo narzędzi dla domowego desktopa.
PLD Linux Distribution 3148x
PLD is big RPM-based Linux distribution. If you want to share experience of developing a distribution made by over a hundred volunteers, taking part in shaping the system, or if you just want to use PLD, join us.
Arch Linux 3072x
Arch Linux is a general purpose linux distribution that can be molded to do just about anything. It is fast, lightweight, flexible, and most of the parts under the hood are quite simple to understand and tweak, which can make it a good distro to "learn the ropes" on. Arch Linux uses the Pacman package manager, which couples a simple binary package format with an easy-to-use build system, allowing the users to easily manage and customize their packages, whether they be official Arch packages or the user's own homegrown ones. The repository system allows users to build and maintain their own custom package repositories, which encourages community growth and contribution.
CCux-Linux 3049x
CCux Linux is a GNU/Linux Distribution espacially optimized for i686 and higher processor Architectures. For Package Management it uses the old fashioned rpm format in connection with the also well known apt tools. Using that, it features automatic dependency resolving when installing new software and so making the installation of new software much more easier. But the main feature is still the Optimization for modern CPU Architectures. Many other distros still use old standards for that and limit the possibility to gain a high performance System.
Rocks Cluster Distribution 3036x
Distibution for building of Beowulf-styled linux clusters. Includes tool for sub-net managements and automated instalation on all nodes, sophisticated filesystems, MPI, grid computing support, batch systems and shedullers, load monitoring, 64-bit support etc.
IPCOP 3033x
Haydar Linux 2958x
Haydarlinux is aimed to be the first Arabic Linux distribution that has the full Arabic support, by supporting Arabic in both localized and enabled faces. Haydar Linux will give all Arabs the best way to enter the Linux world with ease and stability.
Netstation 2957x
Netstation is a Linux distribution that enables you to convert standard PCs into full-featured diskless thin clients supporting all major connectivity protocols. It can be booted from the network using Etherboot/PXE or from standard media like floppy/CD/hd/flash-disk etc. The configuration is centralized to simplify terminal management.
CRUX 2896x
BlackMouse 2889x
Distribution is based on Slackware Linux and pkgsrc. It is parted to 4 editions: Smart Server - contains base packages for server in small and middle firm. Enterprise Server - contains packages like Smart Server, but they are compiled for support users saved in DB. Light Desktop - cnotains light window manager, and applications for slower computers. All - Smart Server, Light Desktip and other mainly desktop aplications and envirements (Gnome, KDE).
Medallion Linux[..]software.html 2366x
Medallion Linux is a small-footprint Linux distribution for ARM-based processors. It emphasizes Graphics (especially LCD support), communications, and security. There is also an optional port of IBM's J9 JAVA Virtual Machine that is Sun Certified compliant with J2ME/CDC. Medallion Linux ships FREE With every Medallion development kit, along with a complete tool-chain including: * Linux and C/C++ cross compilers * Linux source * compiler source
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1. Pacman linux
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2. FreeBSD
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3. PCLinuxOS-2010
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6. Novell Linux Desktop
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3. spkg
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4. LinPacker
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5. VFU File Manager
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6. LeftHand Mała Księgowość
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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9. MetadataExtractor
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10. RCP100
Download: 2774x
11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
Download: 0x
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