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LAPACK is written in Fortran77 and provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided, as are related computations such as reordering of the Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and banded matrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In all areas, similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices, in both single and double precision.

Adding date: 19.7.2004 08:25
GUI: no
Terminal: yes
Licence: GPL
Home Page:
Creator: Anderson, E. and Bai, Z. and Bischof, C. and Blackford, S. and Demmel, J. and Dongarra, J. and Du Croz, J. and Greenbaum, A. and Hammarling, S. and McKenney, A. and Sorensen, D.
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Alternativ SW in Windows:
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source[..]ck/lapack.tgz 4874
Added by: Zdeněk Hurák


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