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   Software > OFFICE/ accounting

"Operating advances" is application for accounting of incomes and issues in offerses at companies. This programme were created by HTML, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. It works on MS Windows and Linux too. It works as a local application and application for net too. DEMO version is not able to write or change records in databases. User can only view records. Application and SQL sequence are included in ZIP file. The author don't know, what operating system user has, so demo-data are without chzech signs.

This application is evolved. We will be glad for all themes or reminders.

Accesses to the DEMO application:
User: test test
Admin: admin pzadm

Prices of licences are on out WWW (

Adding date: 21.4.2005 22:19
GUI: yes
Terminal: no
Licence: Own
Home Page:
Creator: Bc. René Baran
Developer company:
Alternativ SW in Windows:
SW instalation requirement:

Apache, PHP, MySQL, MSIE 5x and above.
HW instalation requirement:

Min.: CPU 200MHz, 80MB RAM
Rate: not rated yet
Added by: René Baran


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