SW Name |
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Syncal |
http://hopf.math.nwu.edu/syncal/ |
1129x |
Syncal reads a current ical calendar file, an archived ical calendar file from the last time syncal was run, and a Palm device DateBook database and reconciles them.
pyobfuscate |
http://www.lysator.liu.se/[..]/pyobfuscate/ |
1129x |
pyobfuscate is a source code obfuscator. It makes Python source code hard to read for humans, while still being executable for the Python interpreter.
PPPdropper |
http://www.pldaniels.com/pppdropper/ |
1128x |
Designed to drop dialup PPP connections after periods of inactivity.
echelonSig |
http://node777.net/[..]helonsig.php/ |
1128x |
echelonSig is a simple Perl script which can be used to generate an email signature containing keywords which are likely to be picked up by the Echelon surveillance system. Its goal is to generate large quantities of useless traffic to flood Echelon.
ppgplot |
http://efault.net/[..]acks/ppgplot/ |
1128x |
ppgplot is a Python package (extension) providing Python bindings to the PGPLOT graphics library. It uses the numeric or numarray Python modules to efficiently represent and manipulate vectors and matrices.
usb_perms |
http://www.xena.uklinux.net/[..]sb_perms.html |
1127x |
usb_perms is a simple daemon to set the access permissions of devices added to a USB bus. It uses a resource file to set permissions according to the vendor and product IDs.
ircdconf |
http://www.kneeo.net/[..]cts/ircdconf/ |
1126x |
ircdconf is a tool to help you create an ircd.conf configuration file for your ircd server.
Linux Driver for DMX512 Light Controller |
http://www.pcdmx.de/[..]nux/linux.htm |
1126x |
This driver provides support for all DMX 512 PC-cards from Soundlight.
login_keepalived |
http://www.ekenberg.se/[..]n_keepalived/ |
1125x |
login_keepalived is a daemon that keeps remote terminal sessions alive, preventing them from being cut off by TCP timeouts. It can be run as a global daemon for all remote terminals, or in private mode for a single terminal session.
Zmscanner |
http://www.average.org/zmscanner/ |
1125x |
Zmscanner is an extensible modular content filter for the Zmailer MTA.
proMio |
http://www.glorytoad.net/proMio/ |
1125x |
proMio a console based menu program for the simplifying of life of a linux user. It was originally written to be an information manager of sorts for XENIX machines. With it, you can track notes, make simple or complicated menu systems
PyBison |
http://www.freenet.org.nz/[..]thon/pybison/ |
1124x |
PyBison is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use parser creation toolkit for Python that interfaces directly to Bison (yacc)-based parsers.
audiomag |
http://sephail.atnum.com/[..]/audiomag.htm |
1124x |
Audiomag is a utility written to read magnetic stripe data from the audio, for example, by interfacing the magnetic read head directly to a sound card.
http://www.cs.uakron.edu/[..]ings/gpsutil/ |
1124x |
GPSUTIL is a program to upload and download waypoints from a Magellan GPS unit. It also supports getting the current position, heading, and speed from any NMEA 2.1-compliant GPS.
SPSS Utils |
http://soho.joensuu.fi/[..]Ho/downloads/ |
1123x |
SoftwareHouse SPSS Utils is a collection of Java classes for extracting data and metadata from SPSS data files.