SW Name |
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EIB for Linux |
http://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/[..]ib/index.html |
1092x |
EIB for Linux is a Linux driver and tools for the European Installation Bus (EIB) connected via BCU1. This package actually contains a low level device driver for linux kernel 2.2.x and BCU1, console and X bus monitor and other tools.
ftp_lookup |
http://www.muffl0n.de/ftp_lookup/ |
1091x |
An FTP server indexer.
IR Remote Control driver for FlyVideo98 |
http://wolf.ifj.edu.pl/[..]m/FlyVideo98/ |
1091x |
IRCtl is a LIRC-compatible driver for the IR remote control in the FlyVideo98 TV card.
Tekram DC395/DC315 (TRM-S1040) SCSI driver |
http://www.garloff.de/[..]/linux/dc395/ |
1091x |
The Tekram DC395/DC315 (TRM-S1040) SCSI driver isa package for PCI-SCIS cards from Tekram such as Tekram DC395, which are based on the TRM-S1040 chip.
WebWarper Site Optimizer |
http://webwarper.net/ |
1091x |
WebWarper Site Optimizer aims to reduce the download time and data rate of the pages of your Web site via automatic dynamic compression of all Web pages using gzip. Compression speed is about 200-500 Kb/sec on Pentium-500 and tends to compress by 2-10 times.
pflogsumm |
http://jimsun.linxnet.com/[..]_contrib.html |
1091x |
pflogsumm.pl is designed to provide an over-view of postfix activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble spots.
Cool Beats |
http://www.kLoGraFX.de/ |
1091x |
Cool Beats is a small clock-program that shows the "beat-time" or "internet-time". This kind time is based on UTC+1 (Universal Time Coordinated, former GMT, Greenwich Mean Time) and calculated with (hours * 60 + minutes) / 1.44.
LinWiz |
http://www.lowth.com/LinWiz |
1091x |
LinWiz is an on-line (web page form) tool for generating iptables configurations using a simple set of questions and answers.
SHOUTcast Log Parse Utility |
http://www.dragonwire.org/[..]ast_logparse/ |
1091x |
ShoutCast Log Parse Utility generates useful information from a SHOUTcast log file.
Asterisk |
http://www.asterisk.org/ |
1091x |
An Open Source PBX for Linux
fli4l |
http://www.fli4l.de/ |
1091x |
fli4l is a single-floppy Linux-based ISDN/DSL/ethernet-router.
http_filter |
http://glob.com.au/http_filter/ |
1090x |
http_filter is an HTTP tunnel with filtering and multiplexing. It runs on a firewall, sitting in front of not-so-secure Web servers (like IIS), and it accepts requests, applies a set of rules to them, and allows the requests to be passed through to the back-end Web server only if they pass all filters.
Summary |
http://summary.net/summary.html |
1090x |
Summary log analysis software gives you in-depth monitoring of your Web site's traffic.
python-fchksum |
http://www.dakotacom.net/[..]/fchksum.html |
1090x |
python-fchksum is a module used to find checksums of files (or stdin). It supports md5, crc32, cksum, bsd-style sum, and sysv-style sum.
NessusWC |
http://www.frank4dd.com/sw.htm |
1090x |
NessusWC provides a simple HTTP Web interface to the Nessus Security Scanner. It connects to local or remote Nessus version 2 daemons via SSL (using OpenSSL libraries), retrieves the plugins, configures a scan for a single target host, and saves the results in HTML format.