SW Name |
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SAC.php |
http://sacphp.sf.net/ |
1446x |
SACphp is a fully-featured, modular, multilingual, and scalable framework/Weblog/CMS.
ID: Control Your Online Identification |
http://identity.sourceforge.net/ |
1445x |
An alternative Identification system that is a replacement for Microsoft's Passport and the Liberty Alliance. Its a simple architecture that is setup so anyone can run a server and thereby have control over their online identification.
http://www.calevans.com/afmf/ |
1445x |
Yet another mail filter for IMAP or maildir.
Autohouse II |
http://www.linuxlots.com/~ah2 |
1444x |
Autohouse II is an invoicing system for small repair shops.
http://www.chodorowski.com/[..]projects/zws/ |
1443x |
ZWS is a simple Web server written in ZSH.
e107 |
http://e107.org/ |
1442x |
e107 is php-based content management system.
yawk |
http://www.awk-scripting.de/[..]iki.cgi/yawk/ |
1441x |
yawk is a wiki clone written in gawk.
Annif |
https://gna.org/[..]rojects/annif |
1440x |
Annif is a minimalistic birthday (calendar) monitoring tool.
Penguin Greetings |
http://pgreet.sourceforge.net/ |
1440x |
Penguin Greetings is a Perl Web-based greeting card application.
bBlog |
http://www.bblog.com/ |
1435x |
bBlog is a weblogging application written in PHP.
PHP Shell |
http://www.gimpster.com/[..]wiki/PhpShell |
1435x |
PHP Shell is a shell wrapped in a PHP script. It's a tool you can use to execute arbiritary shell-commands or browse the filesystem on your remote Web server. This replaces, to a degree, a normal telnet-connection. You can use it for administration and maintenance of your Web site using commands like ps, free, du, df, and more.
BookmarkBridge |
http://bookmarkbridge.sourceforge.net/ |
1434x |
BookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform, GUI-based utility that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their browsers. The user runs it periodically to synchronize between the browsers.
OpenPlugin |
http://openthought.net/ |
1434x |
OpenPlugin is an architecture written in Perl which manages plugins for Web applications.
Eggdrop Jabber Bot |
http://www.niemueller.de/[..]op/jabberbot/ |
1434x |
The Eggdrop Jabber Bot bridges your Eggdrop IRCbot to the Jabber instant messaging network and thus to ICQ.
ircbase |
http://www.ping.uio.no/~ovehk/irc/ |
1433x |
ircbase allows you to establish a persistent IRC server connection, then attach to it from any machine to allow control of it and use it much like a normal IRC client.