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Sumac 0x
Increase efficiency by as much as 90% with Sumac! Sumac is a complete integrated software solution that is incredibly easy to use, and meets the needs of any sized non-profit. Prices range from from free – yes, really! – to a few thousand dollars. Sumac does it all! Connect with Community: Communications, Events, Contacts, Email, Internet, Volunteer, Membership, Prospecting. Raise Money: Donations, Payments, Campaigns, Fund Requests, Proposals, Pledges, Auctions, Sales, Ticketing. Achieve Your Mission: Case Management, Time Tracking, Grow Your Own, Tour Booking, Job Search, Reminders, Auditions & Submissions, Course Registration, Multiple Databases.
ChkDB 3174x
ChkDB is an Open Source software used to do rule-based data checking and data quality profiling. ChkDB is composed of an Oracle PL/SQL package (and some SQL scripts) plus files that define data domains and rule-sets.
GCstar 3508x
GCstar is a free application for managing your personal collections. Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to. You may also search and filter your collection by many criteria. GCstar manages these collections: Movies, video games, books or user defined collections.
Griffith 6449x
Griffith is a film collection manager application. Adding items to the movie collection is as quick and easy as typing the film title and selecting a supported source. Griffith will then try to fetch all the related information from the Web.
Python Bindings for BerkeleyDB 2345x
Berkeley DB is a programmatic toolkit that provides high-performance built-in database support for desktop and server applications. The Python wrappers allow you to store Python string objects of any length, keyed either by strings or integers depending on the database access method.
PDO 2236x
PDO (Python Database Objects), is a collection of objects for use with Phase or with the Python programing language.
cx_OracleTools[..]rew/atuining/ 2262x
cx_Oracletools contains a number of Python scripts that handle Oracle databases in a cross platform manner.
twz1jdbcForMysql 2219x
twz1jdbcForMysql (aka tjFM) is a type 4 JDBC driver for TcX's MySQL database. It has numerous initialization options settable by URL parameter, passed Properties or a properties file (for applications).
The Trivial Database Replication System 1986x
The Trivial Database Replication System provides a high-performance, replicated, distributed, peer-to-peer Unix DBM-style database built on TDB.
Krecipes 2124x
Krecipes is a new Open Source project for an exciting world that is almost forgotten in the Tux world: COOKING (yummy! ;-)
SQL Load Balancer Perl module 2140x
The SQLB Perl module provide a simple API to interface SQL Load Balancer within Perl scripts. It allows you to interface your scripts with Oracle, MySQL, or PostgreSQL easily and efficiently.
phpQLAdmin 2048x
phpQLAdmin is designed primarily for administration of a QmailLDAP user database, but also has EZMLM, QmailLDAP/Controls, Bind9/LDAP (using the LDAP SDB driver), and Apache configuration (using the mod_cfg_ldap module) management ability.
MyODBC 2121x
MyODBC provides an ODBC driver for the MySQL database server.
ModSQL 2172x
ModSQL is a project whose goal is to develop a modular SQL engine that can be grafted onto any raw database (such as a large flat ASCII file).
Liberty Data Base Connectivity 4773x
Liberty Data Base Connectivity is a JDBC driver that provides vendor-independent database access.
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7. MISU pyFotoResize
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8. Lefthand CRM
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10. RCP100
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11. Predaj softveru
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12. MSH Free Autoresponder
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